Saturday, May 18, 2024

Part two Family Nuclear Survival


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How to Survive Inside your Fallout Shelter (THE BASICS)

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Do your homework first, then you can e-mail me for questions or opinion.


On another blogspot post, I showed how to build a concrete nuclear fallout shelter in your basement. Go to Family Nuclear Plans in April 2019 in the blogspot above. But not everyone has a basement, so improvise. I posted Family Nuclear War Planning on the website and blogspot which describes on how to build a fallout shelter out of various household items if you don’t have a basement.

In my opinion nuclear war is survivable, that is it is properly planned for and if you are properly aware of current events and the threats. If you do not live in the center of a large city or by a military base, which are the most likely targets by the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans, then you have a high survivable rate as long as you can find or build a proper fallout shelter. There are 44 ICBM interceptors in Alaska which have a 50% chance of hitting a incoming missile.

The scenario has switched in the other page/post from China vs. Taiwan to Russia vs. Ukraine. Russia has 120,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and is threatening to invade Ukraine because it doesn’t want Ukraine to join NATO or to be in the sphere of the EU. NATO and the EU have given diplomatic support and some arms and training to Ukraine. U.S. intelligence has determined that over 175,000 Russian troops have to be involved to invade Ukraine successfully. This is over one half of their ground forces. There would be a conventional war for a few weeks until one side weakens. If Russia weakens and reinforces the Ukraine theatre or they might start problems with the Balkans (Serbia) or Baltics (Latvia, etc.). This is not the only scenario out there right now. There is also China vs. Taiwan and India plus Israel vs. Iran are still in play. See newsletter. I have determined that there is a probability of 30% that there will be a nuclear explosion in 2022. More like World War Three somehow.

Either you have built a bunker in your basement or (that you will) an expedient fallout shelter in your living room or basement or elsewhere in your home or you have bugged out to a shelter elsewhere. Either I have told you that the risk or probability of a nuclear attack is great or you have heard the rhetoric from which ever country that has started the event. You now have to secure your family into your fallout shelter for a period of two weeks, maybe a little more, depending on how many salvos of missiles have flown back and forth. It would be two weeks from the last explosion from information on the radio. Try to use the AM band (530-1710 MHz.) and find clear channel stations from 540 to 900 MHz. Make sure to share these pages with family, friends and neighbors.

There should be several hours to a few days warning that a nuclear attack (war) is coming due to the rhetoric coming from various countries. In the other Nuclear post, I showed you some items to have inside your shelter, such as a battery powered radio, flashlights, water and food. So make sure to read that post too. Make sure to read the blogspot, , navigate 72 pages for various survival, disaster preparedness information. If it’s still December 2021 or January 2022 and the wars haven’t started yet and you want Advanced Survival information, it’s in “Family Pre-Disaster Manual” or “Prepper’s Guide” at navigate site. This is on Amazon, Kindle, KOLL, and Nook.

HOW TO SURVIVE FOR TWO WEEKS INSIDE YOUR SHELTER–It is best to prepare over three months or more, but do what you can, when you can, with what you can afford.

There are several topics that are covered in this section, sleeping arrangements, the toilet, nourishment and hydration, garbage, hygiene, supplies, communications, medications and first aid. Before people enter the shelter, make sure that they are clean and haven’t been exposed to fallout outside of the home. If someone has been outside and been exposed to fallout, then shed clothes outside and dispose in plastic bag and take a shower real quick, make sure to shampoo hair. Check preparations for nuclear explosions on that site for before, during and after instructions. Go to Make A Plan, scroll to Disasters and Emergencies, and then scroll to Nuclear Explosion to get information.


Sleeping arrangements will differ depending on how much room that you have and how big your family is, as well if you have a bunker or if you have an expedient shelter. If you have a bunker, your sleeping arrangements will probably be a little more roomy, than a three or four foot wide and 10 foot long expedient shelter that might be only three foot high. That is why you need to think ahead about how big your shelter needs to be and how many people will be in it. If you can use 2"x4"s and plywood to create the roof of your shelter, make sure to nail or screw it some, to create a bigger, sturdier shelter.

Get whichever mattresses that will fit the best to serve the purpose of the shelter. You will need to be comfortable, be able to stretch and turn over when needed. As far as coming out of the expedient shelter for the two weeks there are only certain reasons, such as using the toilet-do not flush all the time, use jug water as described in other post/page, doing basic hygiene-paper towel wash, throwing out the garbage into another room and first aid if needed. Limit your stays outside of the shelter to five minutes. As the Gamma radiation decays over the two weeks and if the local radio gives you better instructions on what the radiation dosage is in your community, then you might be able to go out of the shelter for very short periods of time.

The first day after the first and last explosion is very critical, the next three days are critical, the next three days are very serious, the next seven days are serious. By then the radio should be able to clear your community of radiation. It takes at least two weeks for the radiation to decay to a safe level.

On how to use the toilet. As I said before, you will have five minutes or less to use the toilet, because you have to go. So make it quick, do not flush unless it gets bad or too much toilet paper. Use the 50 gallons of jug water to flush the toilet. So for a family of five, you would flush the toilet probably three times a day. Make sure to use air spray and close the lid. You can also fill up the bathtub with water and use a pail to fill toilet tank. You can also use the water from the hot water tank for toilet water. Turn off the gas for now.

Nourishment and hydration. You should have canned and foods that don’t need to be cooked for two to four weeks, because after the fallout, the stores probably won’t be open for a while. So you should plan for a longer time. Ration your food to 1200 calories a day on an adult. Most adults will be able to stand this ration for a few weeks. Smaller children and pregnant women need more nourishment. Have plenty of potable (bottled or jug) drinking water for two to four weeks. The ration is one gallon per person per day. Have a few silverware, sharp knives, and a can opener, but use plastic ware that you can re-wash with jug water from bathroom stocks. Take five minutes at some point to wash silverware and plastic ware. Use paper plates and bowls. Make sure to think of other supplies that you will need such as hygiene, baby and feminine uses. Place your supplies under a table on the far end of the shelter. Arrange the supplies, like with like and in a way that you can find them easily. Conserve battery power. Use flashlights only when needed and the radio for updates.

This comes to garbage. Use 13 gallon white plastic bags. Toss it all unless it cleans easily. Take a couple minutes to toss the garbage into another room. Use air spray.

Matters concerning hygiene. Everyone entering the fallout shelter should have had a recent shower or bath, because it will be two weeks or more until the next one. This is because your water system may have gone off line, depending on where you live. You do not want to use tap water during the fallout time since it may be irradiated.

If it’s winter, there is a possibility that the electricity and heat may be out depending on location. So you will want to dress warm and have a few changes of clothes to wear. Have some perfume or cologne to wear lightly if needed to help with odors.

Paper towel bath. Once a day after day two, do a paper towel bath. Take a paper towel, wash your face, chest, any skin folds, armpits, groin and butt. Throw paper towel away. Take two paper towels and dry yourself off in same manner. Wash your hands and throw away paper towel. Help children or disabled with this. You only have about five minutes to wash, dry and change any clothes. Brush your teeth or comb your hair at another time. Try to fit various hygiene items during toilet breaks. But make it fast. I wouldn’t worry about shaving for a couple of weeks.

As far as supplies are concerned, you and your family need to think outside of the box. You need two weeks, preferably a few weeks, of potable (drinkable) water, food, dry goods and supplies. One gallon per person per day. Having four weeks is best. Buy a gallon of bleach to disinfect water later. Remember that stores will be empty before the nuclear war if panic sets in and stores will take a while to restart back up after the nuclear war. So it would be prudent to have one to two months of food and supplies. See the supply lists on the blogspot and navigate. As I said above, for Advanced Survival see my books on Amazon.

Communications: Your mobile phones will probably not work for two reasons, the cell towers are out due to EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse), and so are the phones themselves, if they do work just text. Texting takes less bandwidth. Make your last posts on social media a few days before the attack happens and share these web pages. Just before the attack text to whoever that you will be safe and see them in two weeks. Say the same on social media. Share the web pages again.

Battery powered radio is the most reliable source for information while you are in your shelter. Find out which stations will be on to give out constant information or if they go to a partial hours format. Find stations that will give the most news and information. Distant clear channel AM and local. Remember some stations may go off the air sometimes due to a lack of fuel.

If you have time, and feel inclined buy some GMRS Family two-way radios. Maybe that way you can communicate with in the city or town. On the high channels you can reach 10-20 miles. If you have a scanner, find local HAM frequencies. They talk long distances.

Medicines and First Aid: If you have prescriptions, then try to get them all refilled prior to the attack. Buy plenty of over the counter medicines and vitamins and supplements then also. Some of those can sometimes replace medicines temporarily. Have a good sized first aid kit plus extra bandaids, dressings and tape. A list is on blogspot.

Pets: I’m not sure what to say about pets. Cats can take care of themselves, move litter box to an inside room and shut the door. Feed and water every three days. Dogs might need a kennel inside a hallway and told to relieve themselves on a puppy pad. It will be too dangerous to go outside, plus then you will have to decontaminate yourself. Decontamination is above. You are just going to have to think outside of the box to take care of your pets. Remember you can only expose yourself to radiation for only five minutes at a time for a few times a day.

LIFE AFTER THE RADIATION: For this whole event, before, during, and after, you, your family, and others will have to think outside of the box to survive and thrive. If you thought that COVID-19 events, supply problems and inflation were bad, just wait.

Tens of millions of people are going to die, especially in the big cities or by military bases. Not everybody will be able to get out, or even know about the event/attack until it is too late. Millions more will die from radiation poisoning, lack of power-medical sustainment, drinkable water, lack of food, medical concerns, etc. So be prepared for lots of death and missing people.

It just depends what of the infrastructure and supply system survives, and how long it take to revive the rest of it. Will it take a couple of weeks or a couple of months? No one knows. The country will never be the same and we probably inflicted as much damage on those countries who inflicted damage on us. If all three scenarios went sideways and south about the same time, then when it went nuclear, then there were probably six salvos of missiles and a dozen countries received damage.

ON WATER: The water and electric systems may not be on for a while, so you will have to make do, or find alternative sources of water. That brings up that you should have several five gallon buckets and a few one gallon pails. Get these at a hardware store. If you have to go to a river or lake to get water, then you will have pails. If for toilet, then no problem, just flush. To drink and wash you will have to filter with a t-shirt and treat with bleach at 16 drops per gallon or boil it. Use one gallon pails to wash silverware and plates etc. Use water sparingly. Think outside of the box.


ON GENERATORS: I wrote about generators in my blogspot post. But there I said to put the generator in the garage and vent with pipe to the outside. DO NOT DO this. Carbon monoxide. Take it at least 20 foot outside to run. A 3500 watt generator will run the average home, but you will need to rotate the appliances due to starting surges. But it needs to be secure also. I have my generator on a small concrete pad, with steel fence posts around it. I have several three gallon gas cans with Stabil it the gasoline chained to my fence. When I use my generator, I secure it with the heavy chain and heavy padlock to the fence posts by wrapping around. I use 12 gauge extension cords. I drilled holes into my house to put extension cords into the house and sealed the holes.

If it’s December, January or February, take the time now to prepare before the scenarios get bad, go sideways and south. Do all the homework that you can on various topics. You can follow these people on YouTube: Canadian Prepper; City Prepper; Tin Hat Ranch; Prepper Nurse; Patriot Nurse; Dina Kalemeta; and Dabhoo77. Use Wikipedia on a lot of homework. Get the Twitter App and follow @familydisaster; @EndGameWW3; @theragex; @IntelDoge; and @AuroraIntel. 

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