Saturday, March 28, 2015

Newsletter 2815, July 2, 2012,


Monday, July 2, 2012; Edition 28-15 SUMMARY

WELCOME TO FDN! Can you properly evacuate your home or work in three minutes or less and survive for seven days on your own? FDN has pre-disaster and evacuation plans for all contingencies. We offer Personalized Service for your family or work. The VERSION ONE of "A Families’ Comprehensive Pre-Disaster Planning Manual" with 108 pages and 71 life lessons will be $10.95 plus S&H thru this Month. There will also be a e-version for most readers available for 99 cents. You can now pre-order the PDF version of FOURTH EDITION for $10.00 make checks payable to DBLTFDN. SO JOIN FDN TODAY. Prepare for anything, anywhere and anytime.

FDN GEMSTONE CODE ALERT STATUS: We use GEMSTONE CODES (see Sections VII and X) to explain various types of events in the world. Do not worry about GEMSTONE CODES they are a FDN internal management and intelligence tool, just read the information.

The current high CODE IS GOLD: This is due to the CODE EMERALD for the Global War on Terror GWOT-WWIV and CODE EMERALD for OEF in Afghanistan since most scenarios have calmed down.

There is a CODE BRONZE for various wildfire evacuations in the Rocky Mountains, especially in Colorado.

There is a CODE RUBY for the excessive heat wave (over 90 degrees for over a week) for over two weeks plus the ongoing drought conditions setting up in the southern states.

There is a CODE SILVER-OS-ACTUAL for Syria for the continuing uprising of last years ARAB SPRING. Over 10,000 Syrians have been killed by the Assad Regime. There is still talk of military intervention, but the Russians and Chinese won’t have any of it. There are agreements and a troika signed for this matter.

There is a CODE SILVER-OS ACTUAL for Iran for the continuing pressure on Iran to give up its Nuclear Weapons Program. It has over 3,000 centrifuges to process enriched uranium to build nuclear weapons. Possible date for this to happen would be 2013. Any attack by Israel or the US would cause a CODE EMERALD and possibly a CODE COBALT.

UPDATE ON THE MAYAN WINTER SOLSTICE 2012: The hoopla, or lack of it. We feel that the Mayans just ran out of stone (lol). Their Long Count Calendar with 13 Baktuns is set to expire on the Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere which is Friday, December 21, 2012. But go on ahead and get fully prepared with us, ANYWAY!!! Just don’t leave with just the shirt on your back. Twenty percent (20%) think that something will happen and it is leaning towards 25%. Even some hard core bikers think that something will happen on 12-21-12. Maybe it will be world peace and enlightenment, maybe it is the tribulation. See the seven (7) year plan at . I just hope that it is just four days to Christmas Day or I will have two then angry six and seven year old grandkids. As of July 1, 2012, I have no further information on something bad to happen besides the usual things talked about in this Version One Manual. Just do your own homework on this subject, BUT DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU READ. STILL TAKE THE MIDDLE ROAD FOR NOW!! Sure, go do all the Advanced Scenarios that you need, just don’t go crazy about the planning. Remember, that I’m the Nuclear War Planner here. FDN’s OFFICIAL POLICY: THE MAYANS JUST RAN OUT OF STONE (for their long count calendar)!! What is suppose to happen? Most of our Solar Systems planets are supposed to be in line with the middle of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Earth’s magnetic poles are to shift and cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the sun is to have large solar storms and blast the planet with radioactive and electronic killing neutrinos. Go see the movie "2012". Kind of get the picture, but remember that is the ultimate extreme (above). Recommends Two months of supplies at this time. See Chapters Seven and Twelve in the Fourth Edition or Version Two Manuals.

HOW ABOUT IF I CAN’T AFFORD A WEEKS WORTH OF GROCERIES, NO LESS SIX MONTHS? No worries, do what you can do or afford. Work with the Metro Kit Supervisor and the Metro Warehouser. They can make sure that you are involved and in the loop as much as possible and have rations or supplies available for volunteering your efforts of about ten hours a month. If there seems to be no Metro Personnel, then contact Red Becker at 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm ct, Monday to Saturday) or email me at . THIS IS YOUR 2013 PREPPERS GUIDEwe are here for you tomorrow.


Red Becker, Founder/Author, FDN, Phoenix One-CB Channel 31.

Newsletter 2812, April 30, 2012


P.O. Box 88252, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8252

Monday, April 30, 2012; Edition 28-12 SUMMARY



WELCOME TO FDN! Can you properly evacuate your home or work in three minutes or less and survive for seven days on your own? FDN has pre-disaster and evacuation plans for all contingencies. We offer Personalized Service for your family or work. The VERSION ONE of "A Families’ Comprehensive Pre-Disaster Planning Manual" with 108 pages and 71 life lessons will be $10.95 plus S&H thru this Month. There will also be a e-version for most readers available for 99 cents. You can now pre-order the PDF version of FOURTH EDITION for $10.00 make checks payable to DBLTFDN. SO JOIN FDN TODAY. Prepare for anything, anywhere and anytime.

SPRING SPECIAL: ORDER THE FDN Fourth Edition PDF VERSION FOR ONLY $5.00 (five). This price is good until Thursday, June 5, 2012. If you are getting the PDF or HTML versions then these Newsletters are free. If you are a FDN Member YOU FILLED OUT a FDN Membership Registration Form or a BRCO 12-28, then you will get free mailed newsletters. Make sure that we get your complete contact information and e-mails for newsletters and free training. If you are not a FDN member then please send $5.00 now with e-mail if you have one and $4.00 in two months. Thanks.

FDN GEMSTONE CODE ALERT STATUS: We use GEMSTONE CODES (see Sections VII and X) to explain various types of events in the world. Do not worry about GEMSTONE CODES they are a FDN internal management and intelligence tool, just read the information.

The current high CODE IS COBALTSTEP ALPHA: This is due to the CODE EMERALD for the Global War on Terror GWOT-WWIV and CODE EMERALD for OEF in Afghanistan. THERE WILL BE A DOWNGRADE TO CODE GOLD ON MAY 1, 2012 since most scenarios have calmed down.

There is a CODE SILVER-OS-ACTUAL for Syria for the continuing uprising of last years ARAB SPRING. Over 10,000 Syrians have been killed by the Assad Regime. There is still talk of military intervention, but the Russians and Chinese won’t have any of it. There are agreements and a troika signed for this matter.

There is a CODE SILVER-OS ACTUAL for Iran for the continuing pressure on Iran to give up its Nuclear Weapons Program. It has over 3,000 centrifuges to process enriched uranium to build nuclear weapons. Possible date for this to happen would be 2013. Any attack by Israel or the US would cause a CODE EMERALD and possibly a CODE COBALT.

Remember that the CODE SAPPHIRE last year was caused by many events happening at the same time. The inability of the US Congress to pass a budget and deficit reduction bill which will to lead to sequestration in 2013. Plus we had three or more active wars going at the same time with various economic malfunctions and many disasters taking place at the same time.


Red Becker, Founder/Author, FDN, Phoenix One-CB Channel 31.

Newsletter 27-37, Dec. 2, 2011


December 2. 2011, Edition 27-37 SUMMARY


WELCOME TO FDN! Can you properly evacuate your home or work in three minutes or less and survive for seven days on your own? FDN has pre-disaster and evacuation plans for all contingencies. We offer Personalized Service for your family or work. The FOURTH EDITION of the FDN Comprehensive Family Disaster and Operations Manual with 270 pages and 130 life lessons will be $26.95 plus S&H thru in February 2012. There will also be a e-version for most readers available for $9.00. You can now pre-order the PDF version of it for $9.00 make checks payable to DBLTFDN. HERE WE HAVE ANOTHER DANGEROUS GLOBAL HOLIDAY SEASON!. SO JOIN FDN TODAY. Prepare for anything, anywhere and anytime.

CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: ORDER THE FDN PDF VERSION FOR ONLY $5.00 (five). This price is good until Thursday, January 5, 2012 and Happy Holidays, no matter what your holiday is. If you are getting the PDF or HTML versions then these Newsletters are free. If you are a FDN Member YOU FILLED OUT a FDN Membership Registration Form or a BRCO 12-28, then you will get free mailed newsletters. Make sure that we get your complete contact information and e-mails for newsletters and free training. If you are not a FDN member then please send $5.00 now with e-mail if you have one and $4.00 in two months. Thanks.

FDN COLOR CODE ALERT STATUS: We use COLOR CODES (see Sections VII and X) to explain various types of events in the world. Do not worry about COLOR CODES they are a FDN internal management and intelligence tool, just read the information.

FOLLOW-UP ON BREAKING NEWS20111129/0700ZuluCODE SILVEROSACTUAL STATUS COPPERREPUBLIC OF IRAN: There was an attack and a take over of the United Kingdom’s (British) Embassy in Tehran, Iran on Tuesday. Mobs (hundreds) of students and others over ran the gates, the Iranian police and the British Marines guarding the Embassy Grounds. When you go on to embassy grounds then you are going on to that countries soil. So effectively Iran attacked the U.K.

WHAT HAPPENED: Most of NATO/EU passed high level economic sanctions against Iran for possessing nuclear fuel or for being able to process and make it in the next several months (summer 2012). Put that with their advancements in rocket flight then anyone within 1300 miles is a target including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Europe.

Remember that Iran hired a bunch of Russian Scientists to run the nuclear programs and that the IAEA says that the inspections are not valid. This could be grounds to a military strike back on Iran with a high chance of upgrade to EMERALD in the next 90 days. This could be a uni-lateral action or a joint action with the U.S., U.K., France, Italy, Germany and Israel. See INTELREPs 27-24 and 27-36 20111130 BREAKING NEWS.

The current high CODE IS SAPPHIRESTEP OMEGA: Again effective 20111121 due to the U.S. Congress’ ability to find any moderation accomplished by the Super Committee of 12. There is only extremeism on each side of the aisle. This happened in 2006 and 2008 when both parties

shifted their center of gravity to the extreme. I remember many a Congress that had over 200 moderates seated and the Country’s business was accomplished. CODE SAPPHIRE also covers multiple EVENTS: disasters, terrorism attacks, economic conditions, military conditions and governmental conditions. LOOK AT THE BUSINESS SECTION IN THE THIRD EDITION, THE 100 POINT CHECKLIST. See the last 20 Scenarios. We’re using quite a few of those these days. Remember if we are sick of the current holders of Congress then lets get new blood in that has common sense, business sense and isn’t a major player or professional politician, lawyer or narcissist. See INTELREP 27-31. SEE MY Common Sense Political DIATRIBE ON PAGE 2-9.

The next highest CODE is CIMARRON: For GWOT/OEF/ OIF/OND/OOD (Multiple Military Actions, see page 8-17), however with U.S. troops pulling out of the Republic of Iraq in the next three weeks. The CODE CIMARRON will downgrade to CODE GOLDSTATUS GREY on 20120201 unless there is IRANIAN INTERFERENCE. We’re keeping a reinforced brigade in Kuwait with about 12,000 troops as a trip wire just in case of IRAN. But if there is a major attack on the Republic of Iran from the State of Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom and/or the Republic of France before 20120201 then the CODE CIMARRON will not be downgraded to CODE GOLD. See INTELREP 27-29. Also CODE CIMARRON would return after 20120201 when Iran or if Syria or the D.P.R.K. (North Korea) would be attacked. [This is an expanded version for some items, shorten it on others.]

OPERATION ODDESSY DAWNthe NATO attack on Kaddahy (does anyone know his spelling?) and Libya is downgraded to COLOR CODE EMERALDSTATUS GREY effective 20111201. It is now up to the various State Departments or Foreign Ministries with Military Trainers to help the people of Libya achieve THEIR VERSION OF LIBERTY AND DEMOCRACYnot our version of it. Luckily it was a war with few casualties for the NATO side. Any major terrorist attacks or other events will create a CODE SILVER-OS

INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE EMERALDSYRIA: President Assadanother minority Dictator (and a eye Doctor to boot) --has killed over 3,000 of his own people. Now some Army units are defecting. Check out for further information.

20111117/2000hrsZULU COLOR CODE SILVERINTEL-OSRUSSIASTATUS GREY: FDN Scenarios 98-100 threatened by Russian Military. See Third Edition Manual Business Section 100 Questions. 2% Over all Threatcon. 1% Threatcon for #s 99 & 100. Top Russian General Marakov threatens NATOs expansion of eastern ex-Warsaw Pact countries. Expects Military Action would happen with nuclear weapons involved. Remember Russia has lots of oil and has been upgrading its military 10% a year for 3-4 years.

20111127COLOR CODE SILVEROSACTUALSTATUS COPPERPakistan: We use Pakistani Air routes, land routes and some of their bases for logistical trains for OEF to Afghnistan. We never know who actual good guys or bad guys are with the Pakis are, so we accidentally bombed one of their Air Bases on the border killing 24 soldiers. They’re mad because of the UBL raid as it is and other drone strikes, but they are playing both sides of the fence with Terrorism. So we have 15 days to remove our military assets from various areas from Pakistan. Relations are going downhill very fast. Just REMEMBER, THEY HAVE NUKES!!

Democracy in ActionOn Monday November 28, 2011, the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire and once a French Colony) had free parliamentary elections. The Arab Republic of Egypt also held a two day election for local offices and parliamentary positions and millions showed to vote for the first time since the late 1970s. More later, Thanks, Red.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

2910 Dec. 15, 2013 Newsletter and Intelrep


P.O. Box 88252, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8252 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm, M-Sat.)

December 15, 2012; Edition 29-10 SUMMARY
WELCOME TO FVN! Can you properly evacuate your home or work in three minutes or less and survive for seven days on your own? FVN has pre-disaster and evacuation plans for all contingencies. We offer Personalized Service for your family or work. The VERSION ONE of "A Families’ Comprehensive Pre-Disaster Planning Manual" with 108 pages and 71 life lessons will be $10.95 plus S&H thru this Month. There will also be a e-version for most readers available for 99 cents. You can now pre-order the PDF version of VERSION TWO for $10.00 make checks payable to DBLTFVN . SO JOIN FVN TODAY. Prepare for anything, anywhere and anytime. VERSION TWO was launched on on October 2012. I get my information from over 14 news sources and some other places also. FDN GEMSTONE CODE ALERT STATUS: We use GEMSTONE CODES (see Chapters 8 and 10) to explain various types of events in the world. Do not worry about GEMSTONE CODES they are a FDN internal management and intelligence tool, just read the information.

The current high CODE IS INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE COBALT (ICCC): This is due to FIVE INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE EMERALDS in Libya; Middle East/Mediterranean; Syria; Iran and Japan vs China. This is a new management tool. The Second High CODE IS GOLD: This is due to the CODE EMERALD for the Global War on Terror GWOT-WWIV and CODE EMERALD for OEF in Afghanistan since most scenarios have calmed down. Also for Special Operators working globally.

20121212--CODE SILVERDPRKThey did another 3 stage missile launching a weather satellite.

MAYAN UPDATE: UPDATE ON THE MAYAN WINTER SOLSTICE 2012: The hoopla, or lack of it. We feel that the Mayans just ran out of stone (lol). Their Long Count Calendar with 13 Baktuns is set to expire on the Winter Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere which is Friday, December 21, 2012. But go on ahead and get fully prepared with us, ANYWAY!!! Just don’t leave with just the shirt on your back. Twenty percent (20%) think that something will happen and it is leaning towards 25%. Even some hard core bikers think that something will happen on 12-21-12. Maybe it will be world peace and enlightenment, maybe it is the tribulation. See the seven (7) year plan at . I just hope that it is just four days to Christmas Day or I will have two then angry six and seven year old grandkids. As of December15, 2012, I have no further information on something bad to happen besides the usual things talked about in this Version One Manual. Just do your own homework on this subject, BUT DON’T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THAT YOU READ. STILL TAKE THE MIDDLE ROAD FOR NOW!! Sure, go do all the Advanced Scenarios that you need, just don’t go crazy about the planning. Remember, that I’m the Nuclear War Planner here. FDN’s OFFICIAL POLICY: THE MAYANS JUST RAN OUT OF STONE (for their long count calendar)!! What is suppose to happen? Most of our Solar Systems planets are supposed to be in line with the middle of the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, the Earth’s magnetic poles are to shift and cause earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and the sun is to have large solar storms and blast the planet with radioactive and electronic killing neutrinos. Go see the movie "2012". Kind of get the picture, but remember that is the ultimate extreme (above). Recommends Two months of supplies at this time. See Chapters Seven and Twelve in the Fourth Edition or Version Two Manuals.

HOW ABOUT IF I CAN’T AFFORD A WEEKS WORTH OF GROCERIES, NO LESS SIX MONTHS? No worries, do what you can do or afford. Work with the Metro Kit Supervisor and the Metro Warehouser. They can make sure that you are involved and in the loop as much as possible and have rations or supplies available for volunteering your efforts of about ten hours a month. If there seems to be no Metro Personnel, then contact Red Becker at 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm ct, Monday to Saturday) or email me at . THIS IS YOUR 2013 PREPPERS GUIDEwe are here for you tomorrow.

A new CODE SILVER-US-ECON-FISCAL CLIFF: On January 1, 2013, the U.S. Government is going off a fiscal cliff. Due to the lack of moderation inside the Congressional Super-Committee last spring, sequestration will take place on January 1. This takes 10% off the top of every Federal Account with no moving around of the budget. It is fixed. Plus a few million won’t be getting their unemployment checks anymore after New Years (yeehaw) or their Payday Holiday for their FICA with holding, that goes back to 7.65% for you. So get PREPARED NOW FOR THE FISCAL CLIFF ALL FOR NOW. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

2812 April 30, 2012 edition newsletter


P.O. Box 88252, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8252 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm, M-Sat.) Join Twitter and follow us!

Monday, April 30, 2012; Edition 28-12 SUMMARY



WELCOME TO FDN! Can you properly evacuate your home or work in three minutes or less and survive for seven days on your own? FDN has pre-disaster and evacuation plans for all contingencies. We offer Personalized Service for your family or work. The VERSION ONE of "A Families’ Comprehensive Pre-Disaster Planning Manual" with 108 pages and 71 life lessons will be $10.95 plus S&H thru this Month. There will also be a e-version for most readers available for 99 cents. You can now pre-order the PDF version of FOURTH EDITION for $10.00 make checks payable to DBLTFDN. SO JOIN FDN TODAY. Prepare for anything, anywhere and anytime.

SPRING SPECIAL: ORDER THE FDN Fourth Edition PDF VERSION FOR ONLY $5.00 (five). This price is good until Thursday, June 5, 2012. If you are getting the PDF or HTML versions then these Newsletters are free. If you are a FDN Member YOU FILLED OUT a FDN Membership Registration Form or a BRCO 12-28, then you will get free mailed newsletters. Make sure that we get your complete contact information and e-mails for newsletters and free training. If you are not a FDN member then please send $5.00 now with e-mail if you have one and $4.00 in two months. Thanks.

FDN GEMSTONE CODE ALERT STATUS: We use GEMSTONE CODES (see Sections VII and X) to explain various types of events in the world. Do not worry about GEMSTONE CODES they are a FDN internal management and intelligence tool, just read the information.

The current high CODE IS COBALTSTEP ALPHA: This is due to the CODE EMERALD for the Global War on Terror GWOT-WWIV and CODE EMERALD for OEF in Afghanistan. THERE WILL BE A DOWNGRADE TO CODE GOLD ON MAY 1, 2012 since most scenarios have calmed down.

There is a CODE SILVER-OS-ACTUAL for Syria for the continuing uprising of last years ARAB SPRING. Over 10,000 Syrians have been killed by the Assad Regime. There is still talk of military intervention, but the Russians and Chinese won’t have any of it. There are agreements and a troika signed for this matter.

There is a CODE SILVER-OS ACTUAL for Iran for the continuing pressure on Iran to give up its Nuclear Weapons Program. It has over 3,000 centrifuges to process enriched uranium to build nuclear weapons. Possible date for this to happen would be 2013. Any attack by Israel or the US would cause a CODE EMERALD and possibly a CODE COBALT.

Remember that the CODE SAPPHIRE last year was caused by many events happening at the same time. The inability of the US Congress to pass a budget and deficit reduction bill which will to lead to sequestration in 2013. Plus we had three or more active wars going at the same time with various economic malfunctions and many disasters taking place at the same time.


Red Becker, Founder/Author, FDN, Phoenix One-CB Channel 31.