Monday, September 7, 2020

INTELREP 37-1 Sept. 1, 2020


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FDN INTELREP and NEWSLETTER 37-1, Tuesday, September 1, 2020

36th Anniversary Edition, since 1984

Welcome to Family Disaster Network (FDN). We are your personal Pre-Disaster Planning source. We have five books on Amazon and Kindle global and four books on Nook. You can order books also at any bookstore. Kindle has the Lending Library for those who have this option. Can YOUR FAMILY evacuate in three minutes and survive for seven days on your own?? NO, either get a book or go to the FREE INFORMATION on Blogspot and navigate 70 pages to find out more. I will have my sixth book “2020 Prepper’s Guide” with 253 lessons to come out this winter. We hope to have a website soon, it will be announced on Twitter #fdnred and our Facebook platforms. We hope to have “GLOBAL OPTICS” news and information videos on YouTube and Facebook soon also.

NETWORK POSITIONS OPEN: See the Blogspot and tag Staffing Disasters or Networking to see what local, state or national positions are open.

There are currently over 28 #globalhotspots, with usually eight on fire or boiling to a point that a major war could break out within a week if scenarios failed and possibly to a #WW3 #SHTF #preppers event. Current #COVID19 statistics from John Hopkins: Global cases, 25,795,050; Global deaths: 858,072; U.S. cases: 6,078,513; U.S. deaths 184,747; Brazil cases 4 million; India cases 3.8 million; Russia 1 million; Peru 657,000; South Africa 628,400 then Columbia, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Iran, U.K., France, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Turkey, Italy, Germany and Iraq. In over 188 countries or regions.

We are our own private intelligence agency. With Twitter (@familydisaster) alone, we’re currently in over 50 countries with sources and over 1,000 followers. Follow us please. We also get news from over 30 global news networks with varying styles to get information and news. So we see the Left and the Right as well as other opinions and split it down the middle.

CAVEAT EMPTOR: The U.S. Main Stream Media (MSM) do NOT usually cover the various #globalhotspots or CODES listed below unless there is a hot situation or it might show up on various crawlers on Fox News, CNN and ABC News. You need international news on YouTube.

FDN CURRENT ALERT SYSTEM HIGH CODE: See Blogspot for further information on ALERT CODES.

CODE SAPPHIRE/GREEK STEP OMEGA/STATUS-STONE FLOURITE with a SIX HOURS WATCH and 30 MONTHS of supplies needed. This is due to the above statement on #globalhotspots and #COVID19 plus various political and race situations globally. The DOOMSDAY CLOCK is currently at 100 SECONDS due the same items plus environmental scenarios. It has never been this close to MIDNIGHT!! FDN and other #OSINT community members on Twitter estimate that there is a 10% chance of some kind of #Nuclear explosion in 2020.

FDN ALERT SYSTEM SECOND CODE: INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE COBALT (ICCC) because that they are SIX INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE EMERALD (ICCE) for 1. China/India; 2. Turkey/Libya/Greece/Egypt/Mediterranean Sea situations; 3. Ukraine vs. Russia situation since 2014; 4. Israel/Iran/Syria/terrorism situations; 5. China-9-dash-line and Belt and Road situations in South China Sea; and 6. North Korea #DPRK Nuclear and war threats.

OTHER FDN ALERT CODES: There are THREE CODE MANDARINS for U.S. or allied combat for over a year in the following locations or Operations: 1. Global War on Terror (GWOT) for generalized Anti-/Counter-Terrorism Operations around the world especially in the Middle East and Africa since October 7, 2001. U.S. KIA: 22. 2. Operation Freedoms Sentinel for combat, anti-terrorism and training missions in Afghanistan. It was Operation Enduring Freedom until 2014. Current U.S. KIA: about 1,900. 3. Operation Inherent Resolve since 2014 in Iraq and Syria against ISIS/Daesh. U.S. KIA: 21 (NOTE: Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn U.S. KIA: 3,128. September 11, 2001 killed was 2,977 in three locations. NOTE: Every week the U.S. has more people killed from #COVID19 than 9-11-01 and all operations since then.)

 INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE EMERALD (ICCE): There are currently six that meet the requirements.

1. China vs. India border dispute in Himalayas. Both countries have deployed two Corps (about 80,000 troops) on their side of the border. There have been various skirmishes and fire fights recently. Estimates have China with over 500 troops KIA and India with 200 KIA. Pakistan, a natural enemy of India is siding with China and also due to the CPEC (Belt and Road) initiative.

This situation could blow into a major war at anytime. And remember both countries are #Nuclear. China has 1,800 warheads with some being 2 Megaton city busters (5 mile total destruction radius) and India has about 180 warheads. All three countries have missiles. If this was to go #Nuclear mostly by whichever country to save face on terrible losses any detonations in South Asia, the fallout would drift west over Iran, the Middle East and over the Atlantic Ocean by four days and take trade winds to the U.S. This is similar to a U.S. hurricane path. Any detonations in China would drift north and east into Russia, Korea, Japan and eventually to the U.S. and Canada with a three day notice. You would need to be in a fallout shelter for two weeks and have ample water and supplies. See Blogspot for Nuclear Survival plans or I have a PhD in Nuclear Warfare Planning.

                                                                                                                                                              2.Turkey/Libya/Greece/Egypt/Mediterranean Sea situations: There are more countries that those listed that are involved. There are many sides, parts and players to this whole very complex situation. A. Second Libyan Civil War: Since 2012 after Colonel Kaddafy died, Libya has been in a civil war. The two major sides are the Libyan National Army (LNA) and the Government of National Accord (GNA). ISIS/Daesh and Al-Qaeda also have small roles in Libya. The following countries support the LNA: UAE, Egypt, Russian Wagner Group mercenaries, Sudan, Syria, Israel, Russia, France, Saudi Arabia, Chad, Jordan, Belarus, Iran, Greece, Cyprus, Morocco, Algeria and others. The following countries support the GNA: Revolutionary Brigades, Syrian Interim Government (rebels), Turkey, Italy, Qatar, Sudan, the U.N., most of the E.U., Italy, U.K., U.S. and others.

This crosses the NATO/Russia divide, divides NATO and the E.U., and is one sticky-wicket. Egypt has massed armored forces at the Libyan border to help the LNA. The LNA wants to restore sovereignty over the whole of Libya, based in Tobruk, using the House of Representives but has more land. The GNA is and has plotted militia coups, based in Tripoli and has 50-70% of the population.

B. Turkey, a NATO member, but Islamic and authoritarian with President Erdogan, is gradually slipping away from NATO standards and controls. Even though Turkey has a major NATO Hqs of LANDCOM in Ismir on the coast and the U.S. has about 40 B61 dialable #Nuclear smart bombs at the USAF base in Incirlik, they have bought S-400 Air Defense Missiles from Russia, they support the GNA in Libya and are a natural sworn enemy of their NATO neighbor Greece. Plus there is the Cyprus problem. Turkey has just found major supplies of oil and natural gas west of Cyprus. Egypt and Greece and signed a naval pact for the Med. Greek and Turkish naval and air forces are splitting hairs and playing chicken in the Med.

3. Ukraine vs. Russia situation: After the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, Russia annexed the Ukrainian Oblast of Crimea that had a mostly Russian community. This was also after the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity which caused the Oblasts of Donetsk and Luhansk to break away from Ukraine. They also had a Russian community and was supported by Russia. Since 2014, over 4,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died, over 10,000 civilians, and about 5,000 combatants from the two eastern Oblasts. Supposedly 400 Russian soldiers or operatives have died in this conflict.

Russia has various expansionist plans for Ukraine, the Caucuses (Georgia, Armenia), the Balkans (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia) and the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (all NATO countries). Russia is looking to merge the Slavic/Orthodox peoples into a new Soviet Union type community. The Russian Oblast of Kaliningrad which is perched between Poland and Lithuania has been wanting to join Mother Russia (Rodina) by land. This would take a invasion of Lithuania by Russia and probably start #WW3.

4. Israel/Iran/Syria/terrorism situations: Another sticky-wicket, there is always some sort of attack by Palestinan terrorist against Israel and the retribution by Israel to them. Read Terrorism in “Family Pre-Disaster Manual”. Hamas and PIJ are in Gaza, Hezbollah is in Lebanon and Syria. They both have tens of thousands of rockets pointed at Israeli cities and farms. They are backed by Iran and Syria. Unless thousands of rockets fly then it’s business as usual. The last big Gaza war was in 2014.

5. China is also being expansionist peacefully/economically and also militarily. In the South China Sea, they have the Nine-Dash-Line, where as they are claiming seas, waters, land and islands from Japan, Taiwan, Philippines and Vietnam. There have been ship bumpings and massive sorties. On land, China has the Belt and Road imitative. They help build infrastructure at a price (subservience to China) for your country, whether its roads, airports or docks.

6. Most people understand what’s going on in North Korea by now, it makes a lot of news at times. Just remember that they are #Nuclear and have hundreds of missiles and rockets. Probably 20 or more are Ro-Dong 3s; Hwasong 14 or 15s that can travel 9,000 miles and can hit the U.S. and the E.U. See Nuclear Survival planning on Blogspot.

They’res 20 more #globalhotspots that haven’t been talked about. See my pinned tweet/thread on Twitter.

MAKE SURE TO VOTE!! Ask your county auditor or election council wether or not you can vote early.

Stay Frosty and keep your head on a swivel. Pay attention please.

Red Becker, PhD, Army Vet, Nuclear Warfare Planning and Counter-Terrorism, Founder/Author

Debbie Becker, Network President, NANA, Grantor DBLT