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How to have a radiation proof space if you don’t have a basement to build a shelter. This will be on the website and blogspot.
On another blogspot post, I showed how to build a concrete nuclear fallout shelter in your basement. Go to Family Nuclear Plans in April 2019 in the blogspot above. But not everyone has a basement so improvise.
In my opinion nuclear war is survivable, that is it is properly planned for and if you are properly aware of current events and the threats. If you do not live in the center of a large city or by a military base, which are the most likely targets by the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans, then you have a high survivable rate as long as you can find or build a proper fallout shelter. There are 44 ICBM interceptors in Alaska which have a 50% chance of hitting a incoming missile.
The scenario: The biggest scenario out there at the present moment is the China versus Taiwan and India scenario. China wants to attack and invade Taiwan, and also wants to attack India over border problems. U.S. intelligence states that China will attack Taiwan by late 2022. China is holding the winter Olympics in Beijing in February 2022, but it may be boycotted some due to the internment of the Muslim Uighurs in Western China.
If and when China invades Taiwan, the war in the beginning would mostly be conventional. That means troops, planes, tanks, and ships. But many countries such as the U.S., Japan, Australia, U.K., Philippines and others have said that would defend Taiwan. It would also be a war of anti-ship and anti-plane missiles. If China was to lose too many (400) planes and (200) ships, then they would lose honor and face in this war that they started and they would start to retaliate by threatening to use a nuclear first strike option.
There is also another scenario out there that popped back up. Russia has placed an extra 90,000 troops on the Ukranian border with a potential to invade further. Over the past seven years they already have taken over Crimea, Donestk, and Luhansk oblasts where two are currently fighting with Ukraine. Plus the Polish/Belarus standoff because of Kurdish and other refugees has a possibility of going to a kinetic war. Follow Twitter @familydisaster @EndGameWW3 @theragex for current information on global events. You should study on the internet about nuclear war, radioactive fallout, preparedness, etc. There are also many videos on YouTube. For general prepping see @CanadianPrepper and @CityPrepper.
So that means that there would be a few weeks from the start of the war for you to start preparing your family for potential nuclear fallout. There will be several salvos of missiles going both ways from six countries. If you live in a big city or a close to a military base, then you should try to find another place that is more than 30 miles away from ground zero. Bug out to the countryside. Do you know anyone? Suburb cities should be unscathed but will have fallout.
Now to the meat of preparing a fallout survival shelter for your family in your home. You will need to build your fallout shelter on the lowest level of the home, in the center of it also. The more space away from the radioactive fallout (Gamma rays), the better off that you will be. Another thing to mitigate fallout is the thickness of the fallout shelter. Take stock of what you have in your home that you can use to create the thickness of the fallout shelter. Couches, big tables, bookshelves, mattresses, chairs, boxes of stuff, doors, buy 2"x4"s and some plywood, plastic and duct tape. You will want to make your fallout shelter big enough for each family member to lay down with staggered sleeping. Have smaller mattresses to lay on with plenty of pillows, blankets for it will be 14 plus days that you will be in your shelter until the radiation lowers itself due to half life.
Oh, yes, the question, the bathroom. It will probably be hard to go inside the shelter, so use the regular toilet, but do NOT flush all the time. Go quickly, limit exposure. Have plenty of jugs of water to flush as needed. Save juice, tea and juice jugs, rinse out, and mark on them, “FLUSH ONLY”, and have around 50 gallons for that two weeks. Also have plenty of extra batteries for your flashlights and portable radios. Stock the shelter with plenty of non-perishable food. You will want to get your supplies before or just as the war starts. See other blogspot posts.
You will need a thickness of more than two feet on top and sides and it deters the Gamma radiation. So maybe use the inside portion of your living or family room. Put regular chairs, dining and living room, and place the backs away from the wall. Place boxes of items on them and smaller boxes under them. Use your dining room table or other bigger table for one end of the shelter. Put a couch three to four feet away from the chairs with the back towards the backs of the other chairs. The mattresses will be in the middle. Place 2x4s first if needed, then plywood or use doors on top. Put boxes and storage containers on top of that. Put more boxes, books, etc. on and around the couch and rest of the shelter. Have a chair that you can push in and out on the other end that has a few boxes on it so you can use the bathroom. Go very quickly. Do not flush all the time, use spray. Put your water, food and supplies under the table on one end.
You should definitely think about how you would build your shelter before the war actually happens. Stay aware of current events and the news and use Twitter @familydisaster that this war is going to happen or is happening. You may only have hours to a day to get your shelter built.
Some supplies that you will need for the shelter for a period of two to four weeks and you should think of beyond that are non-perishable food, one potable gallon of water per person per day for two to four weeks, a water filter, fifty gallons of non potable water outside of the shelter for flushing, gallon of bleach, flashlights with extra batteries, battery powered radio with extra batteries, paper and plastic products, 13 gallon trash bags, hygiene products, medicines, first aid kit with extra bandages and gauze, and several sets of clothes per person. For further information on basic survival read and navigate the 70 pages of
For Advanced Survival go on Kindle or Nook, “Disasters Red Becker”, or navigate
Check Wikipedia and YouTube for any subject that fits this post. Thank you.
Red Becker, PhD, GS-15, Nuclear Warfare Planning, Counter-Terrorism, Counter-Intelligence, and Continuity of Government.
Follow Twitter @familydisaster @EndGameWW3 @theragex for current affairs.
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