P.O. Box 88252, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8252 605-838-9759 (9am-7pm text first) navigate 70 pages
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Do your homework first, then you can e-mail me for questions or opinion.
Please read the other Nuclear pages on this website.
With all situations, think outside of the box and try to take care of yourself, your family or group for as long as possible. If you can get to a two or three month level or more of supplies, then that is great. That gives the country and government time to reallocate resources to all the needed places.
INTRODUCTION– SUPPLEMENTAL: This is our (Debbie’s and Red’s) house/home, so it’s our rules. This is our fallout shelter also, so pay attention to the rules listed on the next few pages. READ THEM PLEASE!! Obey them and we’ll get along. Don’t even try to argue. You can opine, comment or question but not argue. Read my blogspot below, the first six pages or so.
It’s going to be rough with 4-14 people in a dark, damp, smelly, crowded basement, fallout shelter for 14 days until the Gamma radiation levels go down to a safe level. Debbie makes the decisions on who gets into the shelter. So play nice.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING FOR MORE THAN TWO WEEKS YOUR OWN water, drinks, food, medicine, flashlights, batteries, mattress?, blankets, pillows, 3-5 changes of under and outer wear, hygienes, feminine products, speciality products. Remember pack light, because we don’t have that much room. Shower before you come over. Get here BEFORE the explosions. We will let you know.
Sioux Falls Airport is a Russian Nuclear Target with a 4-7 mile radius for the fireball. EROS Data Center, northeast of Sioux Falls is another target. Rapid City and EAFB are two more. The fallout will most likely travel east.
This is a NECESSITY! Please READ MY BLOGSPOT!! Especially the first six pages, and then peruse the other 70 pages for information. But you are responsible for the first six nuclear pages.
INTELLIGENCE SCENARIO: As of June 8, 2024, this is the latest information regarding World War Three, Ukraine, Russia, NATO (32 countries). This information is being gathered by many sources and confidential intelligence reports. If you want to search Newsweek magazine, Tag: Ukraine war, F-16, Russia Attack, Russia nuclear missiles. You can also view on YouTube Canadian Prepper, City Prepping and Deutche Welle English (news).
On or about, June 7, 2024, Ukraine is supposed to receive many F-16 fighter jets from the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. These jets are capable of carrying nuclear missiles, but they will not have them in Ukraine. For Russia it does not matter, for them it is another red line crossed. Since Russia determines tat the F-16s are a nuclear platform then, President Putin threatens/promises to use tactical nuclear weapons on Ukraine and the NATO countries that provided them. NATO is also allowing Ukraine to use NATO advanced weapons systems against Russian targets inside Russia. Another red line crossed.
The nuclear explosions and resulting fallout would envoke NATO Article Five causing World War Three and more nuclear attacks back and forth. I would suggest that you search on nuclear explosions, how fallout (Gamma) works, and what NATO is. YouTube and Wikipedia.
So I want you to listen to the news three times a day on the radio. Use your car. Go to AM 570, 1320 or FM 107.9 or 91.7 for Sioux Falls, Area. Do this at the top of the hour, on the dot to listen to the 5 minute news reports. This is to see if any news from Europe is making the news.
I will let you know when to evacuate to the fallout shelter. For right now back a bag with your 3-5 sets of clothes that you will take. Remember that you will have to bring over extra supplies as stated below. Think ahead. Plan ahead. Read the blogspot.
MATTRESSES: There are 3 single mattresses at Robert’s apartment as well as our baby mattress there. When a World War Three (WW3) bug-in is called at the fallout shelter, then we will need all 4 mattresses downstairs. I built 2 bed forms that the mattresses can lay on that are made of 2x4s and OSB. These will be put in the southwest corner. Jennie will have to bring over one of her single mattress from her place. If anyone else shows up they will have to bring a single mattress. Limit 2. If they don’t, then there will be 2 sleeping schedules to accommodate more then 7-8 people. Make sure that you have your own pillows and covers. It will be cold down there. Bring a backpack with clothes as listed in my blogspot.
CHAIRS: We have at least 8 chairs between 530 and 300. They will be taken downstairs. You can’t be in bed all the time. If there are over 8 people, then rotate between chairs and beds.
FOOD AND CALORIES-DAILY: The daily ration will be about 1200 calories. It will be one canned entre at 11 am, one canned entre at 5 pm, during the day or at meals, there will be a veggie can, a fruit can, a can of soup, 1 piece of bread or 6 crackers and half of a potato-raw. A can or 2 of beans is to be shared by all. Remember that the stores are now closed and might be for a while. If you are bringing in food from Sioux Falls, then make sure to bring plenty. It’s a nuclear target.
Make sure to wash plastic ware. Debbie manages this.
WATER AND DRINKS: We will have at least 10 cases of water, 4 plus cases of Gatorade, 5 plus cases of Mt. Dew (Deb), and 2 cases of Diet Pepsi (Red). We might have some condensed milk also. Other people coming need to bring their own water and drinks for 2 weeks or more. Remember closed stores. Drinks will have to be rationed to 6-9 drinks per day. See if it works. Warm pop. Mark your bottles and cases. No waste.
GARBAGE AND RECYCLING: There will be a 13 gallon garbage can and a 13 gallon recycling can for bottles and cans.
Food cans are to be thrown away. We don’t have the water to rinse them. When full, Red or someone will throw it out the back door in to the yard.
POTASSIUM IODIDE (KI): I should have enough pills or liquid for 6-8 people for the 3 days until the radiation goes down 60-70 percent.
NUCLEAR TOILET: The nuclear toilet is in the fallout shelter under the stairs. It is a green Menard’s bucket with a toilet seat on top, with plastic bags in it. When the plastic bag gets halfway full or gets too stinky, then the bucket will be taken to the back door and the bag will be thrown out back. A new bag will be ready to use. Wash your hands. IMPERATIVE!! FOR THE FIRST THREE DAYS, EVERYONE WILL USE THE NUCLEAR TOILET, due to the radiation levels. After day 3, then you can use the upstairs toilet in 5 minute intervals.
BATHROOM–RESPITE: After day 3, people can go to the upstairs bathroom for 5 minutes at a time to do their thing or wash up. The water will be shut off for 14 days until the radiation levels have dropped off. Make sure to take a gallon of water with you if you are doing a BM. Do not flush all the time, unless there is a lot of toilet paper in the bowl or someone did a BM. Fill the tank with one gallon of non-potable water and flush. Remember only five minutes at a time due to the radiation. On another trip you can do a paper towel wash per blogspot, and then change your clothes, on another trip you can brush your teeth and comb your hair. On day15 the house water main will be turned back on to see if there is any water pressure. If not hopefully the truck will start and we can take buckets to the river to get water.
AIRING OUT CLOTHES: EVERYDAY you should exchange your under and outer clothes. There are nails to hang the clothes on by the big T beam. You can spray with a little air spray in the underarms and crotch. Let them air out for the next day. For the first three days change your clothes in the nuclear toilet. There are a few nails to use to hang your clothes to change. On day 4 and after you can use the upstairs bathroom to change for 5 minutes and come back down. You should bring a backback or a bag with 3-5 changes of clothes as described in the blogspot.
FLASHLIGHTS: We have some flashlights for use downstairs. But you need to buy and bring your own flashlights with 2 sets or more of spare batteries. I’m pretty sure the power will be out after a nuclear explosion, so having plenty of flashlights and extra batteries is necessary. Flashlights should be used sparingly if the power is off, because batteries will be in short supply. Batteries might have to last weeks. Turn off all flashlights at bed time (10 pm). There will be a flashlight that will be on in the center of the basement at all times to give general lighting. The fire guard can keep their flashlight on also.
BATTERIES: The fallout shelter and Becker family have their own stock of various batteries. As stated before everyone is responsible to get enough batteries and use them wisely.
CANDLES: The fallout shelter will have various glass candles to help supplement the lighting. Since they are a fire hazard, then there must be a fire guard on watch at all times that they are lit. There will be a candle by the front furnace, on the east shelves and the north shelves. At bedtime only one candle will be lit on the north shelves. Red or Debbie are in charge of the candles.
AIR SPRAY: The two air sprays on the poles should automatically spray every half hour or so to mask the smell. There will be 2 big cans of air spray, one for the nuclear toilet and one to spray your armpits and crotches on your clothes. Please use sparingly.
GAMES AND BOARD GAMES: The fallout shelter will hopefully have some games, board games, card games, reading material, crayons and etc. for people to use during the stay. If you have one please bring it along.
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