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Do your homework first, then you can e-mail me for questions or opinion.
Please read the other Nuclear pages on this website.
With all situations, think outside of the box and try to take care of yourself, your family or group for as long as possible. If you can get to a two or three month level or more of supplies, then that is great. That gives the country and government time to reallocate resources to all the needed places.
CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT: The United States Government has dozens of survival plans to ensure the continuity of the government. Lots of states, cities, corporations, and organizations, such as hospitals, have these plans also. But the federal government practices extreme planning on a continuing basis.
One thing that will happen soon after the attack will be martial law and curfew. Well most everybody will be in fallout shelters for the two weeks. But this will continue. Expect a curfew from 8 pm local to 6 am local. After the two weeks, the U.S. Postal Service will assess with postal cards and conduct a brief census and survey to see whom might of survived, and whom might of evacuated. Various agencies of the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA will assist those in need.
Executive Orders on Nuclear War Planning as established by President John F. Kennedy. Many of these basic EO’s have been amended by other EO’s and must be researched, but you get the idea that
the federal government is taking over during and after a nuclear event/war.
Executive Order 10995–Assigning Telecommunications Management Functions: The Director of the ICC is in charge of various Telecommunications (phones, wireless, mobile, two-way, radio, etc.).
Land lines and cell phones will probably go to emergency use only once the Emergency Alert System tones go out. Cell phones might be able to text for a while, so use texting since they use less bandwidth. Radio stations will go to emergency action mode and give information only for people to survive. So make sure to know which radio stations in your area give the most information in the first place. You may not be able to use social media during or after this time or it might come in spurts. Do the posting before the event.
Executive Order 10997–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Interior. As far as electric power, petroleum and gas, solid fuels and minerals.
Is the power back on in your area? Or did EMP blow the power and all electronics out of service? Without power or generators, gas stations won’t be able to be open. There will be a rationing system for all materials. First responders, transportation haulers, food providers and others will have priority on fuel.
Executive Order 10998–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Agriculture. As far as food resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and food resources facilities.
Next to power and transportation, food is the big enchilada. Whatever food resources survived, that is, from farm to food plant, to warehouse, to any stores eventually, this is what makes or breaks our country. There usually is one to two years of processed goods in the system, and another one year of unprocessed goods in the system. It all depends what survives the attack.
As far as farming goes, it depends on which month the attack happens, if in the winter there probably won’t be much harm to the ground. But if the farmers just planted seed, it all depends on what the amount of fallout was in their area. If it was high, medium, or low. If plants are mostly mature in the fall during attack, it would also depend on the amount of fallout. I’m not sure on what irradiation does on plants. As far as fertilizer goes, most farmers rely on nitrogen and ammonia phosphate. There are other ways to be able to fertilize crops for a year or two.
Just remember that it will take six months to two years for most after fallout, for systems to reset to any resemblance of pre-war normal.
Executive Order 10999–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Commerce. As far as transportation, and the production and distribution of all materials.
This is the other big enchilada. If it’s not power or fuel, then it must be transportation. I’d hate to say it but the initial post-fallout or during fallout transportation system will be run by the Federal Government. With Gamma rays the most of the heavy radiation is in the first four days. This means that the government will probably try to start to resupply area during that time saying that risk is low. It will take the federal government, state governments, corporations, and various other agencies a few months to develop a cohesive, if not a plan, but then a reasonable substitute for supplying goods a month, or a few months after fallout. Between Commerce and Agriculture, these two Departments are going to try to see that the survivors of the nuclear war are properly fed and taken care of. But as survivalists, surviors, or preppers that we take the utmost amount of time and effort to plan and prepare for a medium term situation, such as three to six months, so that the government and country can re-function its self to an almost pre-war normal. Remember that there will be tens of millions of killed during and after the war.
Executive Order11000–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Labor. Manpower management, employment selections.
And now we get down to brass tacks. What’s left of civilization, around 120-150 million in the U.S., 100 million in Canada, and 200 million in Europe and the U.K. and surrounding countries, will have to pick up the bulk of the labor market in the 50 countries of North America and Europe or the Mediterranean Countries. Most governments will proscribe that all able bodied males and females, not giving birth or nursing or first year, aged 18-60, will have to provide labor services to various governments or organizations. This may even extend to teens to 15 years old if the post war populations are less than 30 percent. Even if you are mildly disabled you will be given a job opportunity. Remember the population will be cut in half.
Many duties will involve survey teams, administration teams, logistical teams, burying of the deceased, clearing debree, and just getting the country back on track or you may be given the opportunity to join the military (uniformed) services (8 branches-US).
Executive Order 11001–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Heath, Education and Welfare. Civilian health manpower, health resources, welfare services, and education programs.
Most health organizations will be informed of potential nuclear war. So most of them will expand their preparedness to heightened guidelines. Big cities, or other targets will be overwhelmed with various casualties. So make sure to have an advanced first aid kit with extra bandages, dressings, gauze, tape, wrap, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, triple anti-biotic ointment and other items.
Field hospitals and field clinics will be set up in various places. There might be a possible nurses program that will be expanded prior and after the event.
As far as basic welfare goes, providing water, food, shelter, and medical care. Post nuclear education will depend on the district, but there may be no school for a while and maybe only elementary students might be in class. Educators will have to rely on books, chalk boards and white boards again.
Executive Order 11002–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Postmaster General,
Change of address cards (all), counting families, National Emergency System.
The Postmaster for each Zip Code will make available Change of Address Cards for those who have evacuated or no longer have a home due to destruction. A partial census and registry of surviving families, missing people and known dead will be conducted and supervised by FEMA.
Executive Order 11003–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the FAA. Emergency management to the nations airports and affecting airlines.
Air transport won’t be a priority unless it’s priority cargo or government passengers in the beginning. But maybe in month two or three there might be some various passenger flights to surviving smaller cities. Ex.: Mitchell, SD to St. Cloud, MN, and then buses would have to take passengers from there to smaller towns. School busses or vans might be used to transport people around the different towns.
Executive Order11004–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Housing and Home Finance Administration. All aspects of lodging and community facilities.
With tens of millions of people killed from nuclear explosions, fallout exposure, lack of clean water, food, lack of power-medical sustainment, then there will be the possibility of plenty of empty housing units, whether they are houses, apartments, or trailers. These units would be further out from the damage areas and have been cleared by FEMA of fallout radiation. FEMA and HUD will set up survey teams to assess a communities housing assets and unit availability. It will be determined how many people can actually live in an unit and how many are living there. Then evacuees will be processed into available spaces or units. We will probably have six to nine people in our fallout shelter.
Executive Order 11005–Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the ICC. Railroad utilization, motor carrier utilization.
The Interstate Commerce Commission also covers how the railroads and the trucking and shipping companies operate. After power and fuel, transportation and logistics are going to be key in getting the country up and running as soon as possible. Many people will be employed by the ICC, the railroads and trucking companies to reroute all the various packages and shipping materials that were in transit to get the material to where it needs to or re-prioritize it to a new area. Since most computers, networks and land lines will be down, it will be very difficult to get all items to areas.
There might be enhanced passenger rail service around the country, as well as bus or van service, that would include various passenger coaches, box cars, gondolas or any other railcar to move people a short distance (30-100 miles) around different regions.
Make sure to research about other Executive Orders relating to Nuclear War.
As I said before, a nuclear attack/war is a very large traumatic event. As the vitriolic rhetoric intensifies from what ever countries that are planning to attack us (and NATO), the amount of news should intensify and you should get your final preparations made. Many people don’t listen to the news, and possibly up to 40 percent do not. These are the people, blind sheep or sheeple, who will probably not know about a nuclear war coming unless if it’s trending on social media. Then they will probably be lost on trying to prepare. They will become the causalities in this war along with those who were at the target zones who did not take time to evacuate prior to the attack. Are some of these sheeple your family? Do what you can. You can’t save everybody. Notify when it is time, such as if you know it is a week before attack. Tell them what you can. Share this website and links.
As the rhetoric and news increases about nuclear war, figure out who you want to save in your family, group or circle. Share these pages with them and get them to make preparations and to evacuate if needed. You probably can’t save everybody, but sharing with as many as possible on social media, email, and text will help.
Question: When should I build my fallout shelter? Basically, start thinking about it now (April 2023). But, start assessing those items that you are going to need to build the fallout shelter. Can you get some lumber now? Some plywood or OSB, 2x4s, and screws. Figure out where you are going to build it and share the plans with your immediate family. You will have to get that basic two feet of mass surrounding the shelter to protect you. Answer: When the rhetoric reaches a daily level and the news is constant. It will probably take you a day or two to build it, so, think ahead.
Just remember to make your shelter as comfortable as possible, because it will be at least two weeks until the radio will clear the area of fallout. Remember to do your homework on the YouTube prepper and nuclear survival channels prior to the attack. Remember to create a survival list of about 80-100 items on the list. Remember that I watch all 13 news channels, on two continents in six countries have different views but usually they meet in the middle for. The US Big10 , that is cable news, cable business news, antenna news and PBS news; the Europeans, BBC, Sky News, France 24, Deurtche Welle (Germany), Israel Channel 12 or 7. Indian CNN18; Australian ABC; Japan NHK, Al-Jazerra (English)-Arabic views, Press TV-Persian (Iranian) views. There are many international channels to learn from during this so called peace time.
It’s five davs after fallout, and what do you want to be happy about?
You had better be happy about 20 things, times the number of things that you had in the fallout shelter. It’s just to get you started on happiness and thriving. What was good?
We need to survive and thrive past day fourteen and past day twenty and beyond. How is this accomplished?
I would call it the naked truth. If one can not think out side of the box at all, then how can they think out side the box at all as far as nuclear planning and all the various planning aspects that it entails? The expose continues on the various pages to here to understand some of what is understood in nuclear war planning.
What do hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of survivors expect of their government or council?
Hopefully some water, food, shelter and medical care. But as survivors you should be above board
and have thrice as many supplies as just the basic person would have. We’re talking about four to six weeks or more. If you really want to have serious survival modes, go for three to six months on supplies and 12 months certain items in your household.
It is just not your household/family that is affected by nuclear war/attack. It is civilization proper, it is the public, they will change. Either they will become more sharing with others or they will be become more dependent on others or they will steal from others. You would rather have someone who would share resources with you that steal them from you.
It is best now that small towns, small cities, churches, and other organizations plan ahead for a potential nuclear event. Stage it as any kind of disaster/emergency event, or if your area is ok with up to date information then use WW3.
Now it’s time to do a little introspection on the population . Thirty percent of the population are children (minors) and the rest are adults or seniors. The U.S. has a population of 335 million as of 2020.
Martial Law: Almost immediately after the announcement of nuclear war, Martial Law will be declared. This has far reaching effects, besides curfew. This means that the military might suspend civil laws, habeas corpus, and the application of the extension of Military Law (UCMJ). Defying martial law maybe subject to military tribunal (Courts Martial).
Labor Pool: There will probably be an Executive Order that all able bodied persons, aged 18-62 (65) and maybe down to age 14 or 15 will be in a labor pool doing construction work of some sort, recovery duty, census duty or any other duties that are covered by the other Executive Orders. This could mean that high schoolers could have no school or half days of school.
Housing Pool: Depending on the amount of surviving and livable housing units available after WW3, then many people or family units will be assigned new living quarters. A lot of this depends of the number of deaths in non-target zones.
COVID LESSONS: If you remember how bad COVID19, from November 2019 to 2021 (to present), how bad it was and all the problems that it entailed during that time frame. The deaths, sicknesses, supply chain malfunctions and shortages, labor malfunctions, etc., then that was just a test for us, a practice run to get ready for WW3.
We don’t know how many targets (cites or military bases) will be hit, but it could be in the hundreds with tens of million killed immediately with millions killed over a couple of months. If these people are not prepared, or in the wrong place at the wrong time then, at all, for shelter, water, food and medicine, then they will become a statistic. The survivors will have to bury them, census them, recover the cities some, and someone else will take their living unit, because they are gone.
THRIVING RE-THREE: If you have taken the last six pages of this web page and taken it to heart, then you’ve done the necessary things and items to be prepared for a WW3/nuclear event/war. You have gotten your shelter ready, survived the two weeks of fallout with essential supplies. It’s a matter of surviving and thriving beyond the first two weeks. I’m sure that you have some place to live, so it is a matter of having running water or getting available water, seeing if there is power from the grid or from a generator (plan for enough fuel), and thinking about on how to get further food and supplies as the current food and supplies start to wear down.
I hope that your family group has developed a post fallout water plan, and that you can get enough water from a source to be able to boil or sanitize it. As far as food and supplies go, start with the two to three weeks of water, food and supplies and expand it to a month or two or three or even six months for certain items.
I think that there is going to be a nuclear page seven. There are many more subjects to talk about. Intelligence, training, communications, and many others. Please follow or search the following on YouTube prepper channels while you have the time to study them. @Canadian Prepper, @City Prepper, @Magic Prepper @Goshen Prepping, @Alaska Granny, @The Mac’s, @Southern Prepper1, @Dina Kalmeta, @Amir Tsarfati , the various news channels-international too, @amazing framer @kusk bushcraft, @survival lilly.
Check Twitter @familydisaster, @EndGameWW3, @TheWarMonitor, @IntelDodge, @no_itsmyturn, @Indo_PacInfo.
Red Becker, PhD, GS-15, Nuclear War Planner, Counter-Terrorist,
Counter-Intelligence, Continuity of Government
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