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Pass along to your family
and friends.
We will guide you step-by-step to a complete
understanding of surviving disasters and Self Reliance.
Copyright 2015
5th Published Book/5.0
On, Kindle, Nook, Google Play and Apple Store
by Red Becker (U.S. Army Veteran)
ISBN: 978-1512209471
69 Lessons, 132 pages
$22.95 for Hard Cover
$3.95 for e-versions
“Disaster Operations Manual”’–Contingency Planning Network, Colorado Springs, CO 1989 (90 pages--out of print--self--also known as the Family Disaster Network First Edition Manual)
“A Families’ Comprehensive Guide to Pre-Disaster Planning”–Synergistic Planning, Inc. (Non-Profit), Cheyenne, WY 1996-1997 (80 page booklet–about 500 units remain--also known as the Family Disaster Network Second Edition–printed, Cook Printing, Chicago, IL)
“A Families’ Comprehensive Guide to Pre-Disaster Planning–Third Edition”–Family Disaster Network, Debra Becker–proprietor, Red Becker–Author, Canistota, SD 2007
(120pages–out of print–FEDEX Office 100 copies)
“Version One” of “A Families’ Comprehensive Pre-Disaster Planning Manual”–Family Disaster Network, Debra Becker Living Trust-Proprietor, Red Becker-Author, Sioux Falls, SD, $14.95
ISBN 9781452884103 on Amazon, Kindle and Nook.
“Version Two” of “A Families’ Comprehensive Pre-Disaster Planning Manual”–Family Disaster Network, Debra Becker Living Trust-Proprietor, Red Becker-Author, Sioux Falls, SD, $22.95
ISBN: 9781477604137 on only.
“2012/2013 PREPPERS GUIDE”–Family Disaster Network, Debra Becker Living Trust-Proprietor, Red Becker-Author, Sioux Falls, SD, $19.95, ISBN: 9781480032071 on Amazon, Kindle and Nook.
“Challenging the ‘Ins and Outs’ of Life” by Red Becker, Deb Becker, Rev. Larry Williams -Authors--–Family Disaster Network, Debra Becker Living Trust-Proprietor, Red Becker-Author, Sioux Falls, SD, $24.95 on Amazon, Kindle and Nook, ISBN: 9781480065352
ROBERT (RED) BECKER–Family Disaster Network (FDN)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
This Manual is written as a public benefit to educate the families, firms, and organizations across America and the World on the importance of being PREPARED for the UNEXPECTED. Red Becker.
Robert (Red) Becker (1960-) Founder/Author
Debbie Becker (1957-) President FDN/ Grantor DBLT
Debra Becker Living Trust (Proprietor) d.b.a. Family Disaster Network
Includes biographical references and index.
ISBN: 152209473 EAN-13: 978-1512209471
I. Pre-Disaster Planning for families, firms, and organizations
II. Survival Preparations
III. Advanced Disaster Operations
IV. Title
FORWARD: WE ARE NOT A MILITIA! We are pro-Government. This Manual is for the public that needs to get prepared as soon as possible because over the next few years (FY2017 and forward) that there will be less funding for disasters from FEMA and the American Red Cross or other disaster relief agencies.
Family Disaster Network IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMPANY. We do not discriminate against race, religion, creed, nationality or orientation for membership. You are a member when you buy any FDN book.
CAVEAT EMPTOR: IMPORTANT NOTE: FDN does not sell insurance of any kind. Nor is any member of the staff an attorney or medical expert. FDN has tried to verify each and every piece of information contained in this book. FDN does not assume ANY responsibility for loss of life, limb or property suffered from any man-made or natural disaster or act of terrorism or war–despite of any precautions (pre-planning, mitigation and self-reliance) taken because of this Manual.
P.O. Box 88252, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8252
605-838-9759 (7am-9pm ct., Mon.-Sat.)
We would like to thank the following people and agencies for their help and cooperation in our efforts. This is for all Editions. Without their kindness, advice and faith this Manual would not be possible.
Pam Paisley—Editor/Marketing Director and President, Synergistic Planning, Inc. (Non-Profit)—
Second Edition (1996-1997)
To the Fire Chief- you know who you are (CVFD-2005).
FEMA-Region VIII- Denver (Rick Weiland, 1995-1998)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (as always)
Insurance Industry for Property Loss Reduction (1997)
Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne (1986, 1997)
Memorial Hospital, Colorado Springs (1986, 1997)
Veterans Administration Medical Center, Sioux Falls (1999-present)
THIS MANUAL IS DEDICATED TO MY WIFE, DEBBIE, without her support and faith toward my efforts, I wouldn’t have published a new manual. (Even if she is the boss!)
BIOGRAPHY: Robert (Red) Becker: He was born in 1960 in California, grew up in Cheyenne. He joined the Army after High School. He served in active and reserve roles from 1978 to 1989. In his first active tour from 1978 to 1982, he was stationed in South Carolina, Ft. Stewart, GA (24th Inf. Div.) and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE--NATO-MIL) Mons, Belgium. His Duties were Personnel Records Specialist, Combat Engineer, vehicle driver (deuce-n-half), M-60 machine gun crew team leader, Field Sanitation Inspector, and Forward Administrative Support Team Assistant Leader (FAST-Rapid Deployment Force: Security and Casualties). At SHAPE he worked Personnel Records and Nuclear Warfare/Terrorism Planning duties. From September 1982 to November 1983, Red was assigned to the 461st Engineer Company (pipeline) in Cheyenne where he was a Structures Specialist and helped with Personnel duties also. During this time he also went to Laramie County Community College and took the Heavy Equipment Operators course. He also took business and management courses and received an Associates Degree of Arts and Science in Middle-Level Management in May of 1985. He was a member of Delta Epsilon Chi (business club). Ask for Black Bio.
From June 1982 to January 1984, Red had a business that did parking lot maintenance and striping, snow removal and had other part time jobs while in college. On August 1, 1985, Cheyenne had its worst flood ever (see FDN history) and early FDN members helped in the efforts. Red attended the University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY for two semesters, but with Veterans Education Benefits exhausted in April 1986, he re-enlisted in the U.S. Army at Ft. Carson, CO by Colorado Springs. His duties were Personnel Specialist, Military Trainer and Planner. In late 1986 he married his first wife and in early 1987 he got injured in the Army. In Spring 1987 he also found out that his Mom having terminal cancer and was attached to WYARNG (National Guard) SRAAG Office as Junior Advisor to help in Personnel, do Classified Documents Destruction and Anti-Terrorism Research Leader. His Mother passed away in November 1987. He was Medically Discharged in November 1989. His daughter was born in June of 1989. From 1989 to 1995 he worked various jobs in delivery, food service and construction. His family moved back to Cheyenne in May 1994, but depression, pain and alcoholism took its toll with Veterans Hospitalizations. He was divorced in 1995. He now claims no excuses for any of his past sins. His dad passed in 1996. Soon after he founded Synergistic Planning, Inc. (Non-Profit) see FDN History on page 11. SPI went out of business in October 1997.
With his fifth trip the Sheridan VAMC hospital, he started talking to other veterans and some Vietnam Veterans suggested that he move to Sioux Falls, South Dakota because there is a good VAMC hospital there. So he arrived in Sioux Falls in February 1998 and started a new chapter in his life. In Spring 1999, Red finally won his claim with the Veterans Administration and bought a house and remodeled it in Canistota, SD. He became a member of American Legion Post 162, Disabled Army Veterans, Canistota Volunteer Fire Department, a -Canistota City Councilman for two years and a member of Zion Lutheran Church. Red had the biggest surprise in his life coming, at the Canistota Homecoming Parade on September 26, 2003. While trying to get the parade started, the local ladies, introduced Debbie and Red and well they made a date for the football game and that he was late to. Debbie can tell that story. They married in August 2004 and remain so.
Red has a grown daughter, two grown Step-sons with four granddaughters. His hobbies are military history, history, languages, various music, watching various sports, reading newspapers and books, walking and writing. Of course his first love is his wife. You may contact him at .
BIOGRAPHY: Debbie (Painter) Becker was born in 1957 in Enid, Oklahoma and graduated in 1975. She married Jim Plucker that same year and has two sons, Scott (passed) and Robert from that marriage. She moved to South Dakota in 1979. Her marriage ended in 1993. In 1994 she married Richard Jorgensen in Sioux Falls unfortunately he died of cancer in 2003. She has two brothers, a niece and a nephew in Oklahoma. Scott passed in April 2019.
Debbie Becker: She met Red in a homecoming parade in Sept. 2003, They fell in love and married in August 2004. She has two adults sons and three granddaughters. She loves Lucille Ball, NCIS, CSI, USA Network, Lifetime, game shows and Sprint Cup but especially her hubby, sons and granddaughters.
Oldest son passed away unexpectedly in April 2019 at age 43 leaving a wife, Mother, brother and 3 nieces. From Santa Cruz area.