Tuesday, June 4, 2019


Challenging Life’s
“Ins and Outs”---
Including 114 life lessons

A book with issues by people solving issues!!
NATIONAL CRISIS HOTLINE 1-800-273-TALK (8255) press 1 for Veterans

By Red Becker, F/A-FVN; VASSG; VALRG; UCLC., U.S. Army Veteran
Debbie Becker, STEPPS; NANAIC; Grantor, DBLT-FVN
Reverend/U.L.C. Larry J. Williams, VASSG., VALRG; LPN;
A&D Counselor; KS Bd NAMI; U.S. Air Force Veteran

A Faith based company with enlightenment, encouragement, empowerment, empathy, forgiveness, gratitude, grace and hope.

ISBN: 9781480065365352

Fourth FVN Book on Amazon/Kindle
114 lessons, 170 pages/4.1
$24.95 Soft Cover on Amazon and $3.95 Kindle

ROBERT (RED) BECKER–Family Victory Network (FVN)
Challenging Life’s “Ins and Outs”

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

This Book is written for people with issues by people solving issues. As a further public benefit to educate those who suffer from psychological illnesses or from overwhelming life stressors. We hope to enlighten those who need it and provide support to our readers, their families, friends and other support systems. It is intended that is book is read and studied with an open mind, that you should not do Life Recovery alone, you should join some sort of group or seek individual counseling to enhance your recovery. If at any time you feel like you are overwhelmed to the point of hurting yourself or others, seek help at the closest ER or medical facility, call 911 or call the National Crisis Line at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), Press 1 for Veterans. Red Becker, Fourth Book on Amazon.com and Kindle.

            Robert (Red) Becker (1960-) Founder/Author
            Debbie Becker (1957-) President FVN/ Grantor DBLT/Co-Author
            Debra Becker Living Trust (Proprietor) d.b.a. Family Victory Network
            Reverend Larry Williams (1952-) Co-Author

            Includes biographical references and index.
            ISBN: 14800565352 EAN-13: 9781480065352           $24.95

I.          Life Recovery and Social Skills
II.         Health, Mental Health, and Learning Disability issues
                         III.        Maximum use of Common Sense and Organizing
IV.        Pre-Disaster Planning for Families
V.         Title

CAVEAT EMPTOR: Although this book is designed as a self help book to guide one to better understanding of the science of Life Recovery; we at FVN, are no way a substitute for ACTUAL PROFESSIONAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE!! IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SEEK AND MAINTAIN ADEQUATE CARE! Seek PROFESSIONAL HELP IN ALL MATTERS! CRISIS LINE IS 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

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