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CHAPTER FOUR-SPIRITUALITY by Reverend Larry Williams
go to church).
My fellow veterans and readers, as you search yourself and your position in
Spirituality, it is your understanding and relationship with a Higher Power.
Worship is not in churches, it is in the “Golden Rule of Life”. “Do unto others,
as you would hope that the word do unto you.” Everyday is a different day
and as we start our day a simple prayer to a unseen deity (God), will help if
you have the “faith of a grain of a mustard seed”. If you understand the
planting of the seed, that as you labor in planting the seed, note in 1
Corinthians 3:6-15. This passage speaks to us as planter and builder and our
reward will be according to his will and not man.
My fellow readers of this book and chapter, note briefly touch on spirituality,
faith and prayer.
Many people in every day life speak about their spirituality and many that
listen know and understand what being said, but others don’t. Those of us
that do understand need to share their gift that was given in John 14:16-“And
I will pray the Father, and he shall give another Comforter, that he abide with
you forever.”
This gift has laid dormant in so many of us that our physical, mental health
has been affected. To better our condition and life, we need to pray, seek the
truth and depend on the Spirt. I write this with knowledge and life experiences
in my own life. So, my fellow veterans and readers if you are searching for
that strength, reach out to those you know that have the faith of a grain of a
mustard seed and learn and grow with them.
Faith is “Following the Angels into Heaven”. In the passage of Hebrews 11:1-“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
seen.” Hoping for things not seen comes when you least expect them.
Because you as a searcher for the truth and trusting in the “Spirit”, that you’ve
called up from the dormant stage of living, now brings new hope, gradual
improving of our physical and mental abilities and skills.
I suggest to all my fellow and readers, as you read these words please
remember, many people will suggest to you “How to Pray”, I recommend you
talk to God the way you feel comfortable. Because throughout my life I had
to learn for myself. Sometimes short prayers are more effective, and then
sometimes a quiet place to communicate with God is best. Because your
spiritual and prayer life is between you and “God”. “A life with God, brings
strength, hope, peace and love as we are on bending knees.”
Face it, we are spiritual beings. We do have a creator, no matter which faith,
or lack thereof, that you have. Religion and churches are a constrained
aspect. They have brick, stone, stained glass and pews. They have an
organized way to worship. This is fine for a few billion people around the
world with several major religions.
Spirituality is between you and your God or higher power. You can pray, talk,
walk, and meditate with him or her (for those who have a female deity). You
can worship by yourself or with a few friends who have the same bond. I’m
not here to please one religion over another, or dismiss one religion over
another, but I do know that having something that is bigger than yourself and
even the world is essential for most peoples daily life.
Those in recovery use the ‘Serenity Prayer’—BUT ANYONE CAN USE IT:
‘God, grant me the Serenity to ACCEPT the things I cannot change, the
COURAGE to accept the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the
IT!! Other beginning prayers could be these following selections depending
on your spirituality: ‘Just for Today’, ‘Lord’s Prayer’, ‘The Twenty-third Psalm’,
‘The Short Rosary’. There are many prayers or meditation that can help you
or others.
There are various definitions of faith, but it becomes something that involves
God and that He will protect you from harm. But the caveat is that God lets
life hits you with a truck or train every now and then. It’s called free will or
making choices and sometimes fate just gives it to us. If common sense
prevails with faith and prayer to help you strengthen your faith with God then
you will experience a positive Lesson from even the most very bad situation.
Sometimes my faith waivers due to my mental illness, but I do talk and pray
to God and get out of the rut very fast. When I help others I feel good and
that is another reason why I am writing this Manual. Sometimes I let my mind
“tweet” God since it feels more casual or easier but still respectful.
Remember “Foot Steps”? Remember to how to “Pay It Forward” to help
others first.
LESSON 32-Spirituality 201–Spirituality and Mental Health:
As Lesson 31 states briefly what Spirituality is about, we will in this lesson
explain more about Spirituality and how it pertains to Mental Health.
Mental Health: The concept of good Mental Health is defined as learning how
to live and cope with life’s daily stressors (the Outs) without causing any
further harm to ones psyche. That is what the first five Chapters of this book
is about.
Spirituality: It is the concept of being in touch with or being closer to your
Higher Power or God or the Lord. This can be having personal worship time
with Him as you see fit (or Her for those who have a Female Deity). We won’t
quibble about Deities here, it’s a free country, but I declare mine in the FVN
Mission Statement on page 6 and here as the Lord God Almighty (Triune
Spirituality is not the same as religion. Spirituality is Self-Defined, whereas
religion is created by man, made into denominations, sects, etc; and
churches, synagogues, mosques and temples; roofs, steeples, bells, pews
and stained glass; order of worship, having mechanism of organization, etc.
as we now come to Spiritual practices.
Spiritual Practices: There are three major types of Spiritual Practices: God
Oriented, World Oriented and Humanistic Oriented. Remember that
Spirituality doesn’t mean religion, but one can become religious later on.
“Challenging Life’s Ins and Outs” at and Nook.
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