Saturday, April 20, 2019


FAMILY PRE-DISASTER MANUAL Twitter @familydisaster
See Chapter 7 for Networking and Positions.

LESSON 70: POSITION DESCRIPTIONS: Ninety-five percent of positions and levels in Family Victory Network are volunteer positions. So we need your help as those positions are in the above seven pages. Groups/Areas and Metros will be set up first. So contact us to get your Area set up. Some positions may do five to ten hours a month.

LEVEL MANAGER: Responsible for that level and any levels below that level such as a Metro or District Manager is responsible for all Areas/Groups/Organizations inside that Metro or District. Holds meetings and monthly training. Makes sure that alert information is followed through. Assigns initial call signs and positions. Develops the level staff.

LEVEL ASSISTANT MANAGER: Takes over duties if the Manager is not available. Coordinates with staff members and Section Leaders inside that level. Smaller levels such as 10 or 20 person Groups may have double duty as seen above.

ADMINISTRATOR: Responsible for rosters, data and mails monthly report to upward levels to Falcon Control by 10th of the month. Some levels may have split duties.

CURRENT AFFAIRS SPECIALIST: NEWS HOUND. Keeps the level members informed of current affairs when necessary and sets level alert status from Falcon Control. Sends Newsletters and Intel Reports to level members when necessary.

TRAINER: Probably the most important position in FVN. Will probably do five to ten hours a week in Lessons. Remember that the Basic Classes are free and should only take three to four hours on Saturday or on some evening. But remember that any Advanced Survival (Survivability) classes that trainers will get 70% of teaching fees. See Chapter 13.

PLANS AND OPERATIONS: Ensures that the level’s plans and operations SOPs are current and are managed.

KITS SPECIALIST: Makes sure that the level’s members have their ready kits current and ready to go. Helps to make adjustments for local use.

COMMUNICATIONS SECTION: Responsible for communication nets and that radio traffic is proper. Will be available for call-in times. Larger Metros may run CB Chs. 31 and 9 as well as GMRS 7 and 9 for 24/7 or 18/7 depending on volunteer communication operators and other volunteers.

MEDICAL SECTION: Recruit necessary medical staff to volunteer to support for training and disasters.

FOOD SERVICE SECTION: Responsible for meals, hygiene, water sanitation, refuse, recycling during different disasters or evacuations.

TRANSPORTATION/MECHANICS SECTION: Responsible to help on evacuation to move members if needed. Keep show on road between rally points or transportation at the evacuation site.

CONSTRUCTION/MAINTENANCE SECTION: Responsible to help set up disaster evacuation sites and get shelter and water set up where needed.

SECURITY AND SAFETY SECTION: Teaches safety classes during normal times. Responsible to secure evacuation sites and keep various protocols in place.

RECON SECTION: Responsible for knowing all safe and alternate routes to evacuation sites.

WAREHOUSER: Establishes a limited supply of materials and items for the Metro or State for emergencies. See Chapter 13 for most Management and Speciality Protocols.

EVACUATION SPECIALIST: Responsible for setting up SOPs and protocols for the Metro or District or State to help the Manager on Evacuations. Helps those members listed in Lessons 18-21.

All other Position Descriptions should be self-explanatory. If you have a question contact Red at 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm ct, Mon-Sat) or e-mail at

For updates see or Twitter @familydisaster

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