www.amazon.com/author/redbecker familyvictorynetwork@gmail.com
Lesson 106: NETWORK MANAGEMENT ACTIONS (Partial–Skips, buy Version Two)
DBLT is the owner of FVN as of 4/12/12 All checks or money orders are payable to DBLT-FVN until further notice. See Historical Order #10. 2015: With “Family Pre-Disaster Manual” being published, with a new Historical Order, now make checks payable to DBLT-FDN.
For 2012 use Confidential Business Plan for most guidance for those in Phoenix Group or upper Falcon. The CPB 2012 Plan establishes the growth pattern until the Network can be self-contained, self-reliant and self-managed.
ALL LEVELS: Group/Area/Firm/Organization/District/Metro MUST FILL OUT the CODE PEARL Monthly Report and mail it to FVN HQ by the 10th of the month.
FVN starts growing from the Metro or District level and fills in Areas, Groups, Firms and Organizations. Red will verify the validity of each Metro Network as they check in by using the Monthly CODE PEARL Form. He will either confirm the Metro or place it on probation. Once enough (4-7) Metros/Districts have developed inside of a State (Territority /Province/ Global), then a State (Equivalent) Office will be started with minimal personnel (4-7). When three to four State Offices inside a predetermined Region are Started, then a Regional Office will be opened with minimal (4-7) personnel. All positions will be volunteers until further notice. Still valid in 2019.
107A. Administrative: As stated on page 175, a Metro check in is established by using and submitting the Monthly CODE PEARL Form by the 10th of the month, designation of a Metro Initial Control Person (ICP), over #20: 12-28 BRCO Forms or Family Registration Forms and the establishment of at least five Areas or Groups inside that Metro. Constant contact with Red is essential to keeping the Metro alive. International Members can check in daily or weekly thru Twitter@familydisaster or email familydisasternet@gmail.com or email their Metro office.
1). Reports: The Monthly CODE PEARL Form is the Primary Report used to establish Metros, Districts, Areas and Groups.
The Metro, District, Area and Group should develop a simple database of its members using all privacy protocols as stated on the 12-28 BRCO Form or the Family Registration Form.
2). Rosters: Keeping Privacy in Mind, the Metro will need to supply full contact information to National on at least five (5) Metro Personnel. This would be the Manager, Asst. Manager, Administrator, Trainer, Current Affairs or Logistician. Districts, Areas and Groups need to provide full contact information to National on three (3) personnel (Manager, Administrator and Trainer).
All Administrators need to start Public Rosters and their Members with enough data so that other members know that there is a Network Available. Provided with variations, there should be a Name (Nic or Initials), Position-Call sign, Location, Age Group, Trade, Hobbies, e-mail (burn-optional), Social Media (optional), burn phone (optional). This report should be submitted in January, April, July and October to National.
107B.) Current Affairs, Historical, Safety and Security Section: Voluntary Positions in 2012/13, 2-4 hours a day.
1.) Current Affairs Specialist--CAS 101: Prerequisites –at first with commissions for direct sales. A CAS should check the news four times a day in the AM, Noon,.evening, and nighttime with four to seven sources of information. A CAS will have various ways to get information: Written: Read a Metro or National Newspaper daily. A CAS should save, date and file various news articles on disasters, terrorism, military and economics. Follow the FDN Twitter account @familydisaster, and have other members follow also.
If a CAS only has a radio, then listen to a AM News/Talk station or NPR-FM or Short Wave News. Digital DTV: If you can’t afford CATV or Dish TV then watch Network, Local and PBS News in the morning, noon and evening. Satellite TV: Use Local, Regional and three to seven National or International News Channels to get your news and then make up your mind. News Channels to watch: CNN, HLN, FOX News, Fox Business, MSNBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, C-SPAN, TWC, BBC-America, PBS-PM, CCTV-News, RT, Link-TV, Doc-TV, Pentagon Channel, Military Channel, National Geographic and others to get an even balance of the news. Link-TV has various International news feeds during the day. Call Red for more info.
107F. NETWORK OFFICE LEVELS: 1.) The Metro Office is the heart of the Network. By 2014 (now reset for 2020) there may be over 250 Metro Offices in the U.S. and over 100 worldwide. The next major level that has an office is the State, Province, Terrtority or Global (SPTG) Office. State or SPTG Offices have 25, 50 or 75 positions depending on population as described in Chapter Nine.
2. Along with Metro Offices are District Offices with under a population under 200,000 and up to nine counties. They have five positions as described on page 108.
3. Some larger States such as CA, TX or NY have Zone Offices to liaise between Metros and State Offices. There are five positions as described on page 108.
4. Regional Offices: See pages 175, 110 and 111.
5. National (U.S. Corporate) Office: See pages 112 and 186.
6. Other types of Offices: Special Tasking Office: Special Projects or call Red for information. Book Seven will have more information.
Multi-Area Office: Call Red for details, Book Seven will have more information.
The National Administrator (Falcon Three) is ultimately responsible for Network Membership Management. However those tasked for National Rosters and Reports are also responsible for maintaining those items.
Area, Group and Organizational Administrators need to submit new Public and Private Rosters to Metro and National (Red Becker-2016) on a quarterly basis on January 10, April 10, July 10 and October 10. These updates can be included with the Monthly CODE PEARL Report due on the 10th of the month. The CODE PEARL Report would have the public information only! If Areas or Groups belong to a District then only a Public Roster would be sent to the District and a Private Roster to National. Metros and Districts will only send a copy of the Public Roster to State and Regional. It is the District or Metro Managers and Administrators responsibility to make sure that all of these duties are accomplished. MAKE SURE THAT ALL MEMBERS IN THEIR METRO OR DISTRICT ARE REGISTERED! If National Administrator determines that a State or Regional Administrator needs a Public Roster, then it will provide necessary portions thereof.
2018: Anyone who has been in contact with a FDN/FVN book, email, Twitter, Facebook or the Blogspot are now considered members. Please register somehow with minimal information. Membership Registration at a bare minimum would be a name/nickname/handle, location or nearest Metro, Age Group, Trades or Hobbies for Position, e-mail or social media account is optional.
HISTORY OF FVN and Predecessors’ ROSTERS 1983 to Present:
1983-Becker Enterprises gave out Citizens’ Band [CB] Radio 10-Codes Flyers, Cheyenne, now 5 states.
1984-Whiskey Detachment (CB Radio Witch Hunters-bad radio signal interference-see pages nine and 164) with 15 members, Cheyenne
1985-Citizens Emergency Network (CEN) with call signs Stryker I-XV, Kicker I-X, Tango (Support) I-X, Cheyenne and Laramie
1987-added Phoenix Group with call signs PHOENIX I-VI and Cobras 1-50 (Colorado) plus CEN
1989-Contingency Planning Network (CPN) with call sign Cobra 1-200 for Colorado and Wyoming plus Phoenix I-VI
1994-Rocky Mountain Survival Systems (RMSS) with Rocky and Cobra call signs with 400 members
2005-Family Disaster Network (FDN) with OSCAR (Original Members) Roster with numbers 1-100
1-20: Family; 21-40: Friends; 41-60: Neighbors; 61-100: Other members;
In 2012 and forward a new FVN Membership system will be used. It is called the SPTG System. It stands for State, Territory, Province or Global. The Format is ##A(Alpha)#####A(Alpha), where the first two numbers is for the SPTG followed by the Master Letter, which is the first initial of the last name of the member, followed by five numeric digits followed by another sub-letter, which has letters A thru U with no O (Oscar) giving 20 sub-names under the master name.
For example, Russ M. from Sioux Falls, bought the first Version One Manual in April 2012, so he was issued FVN Membership number 40M00001A. Whereas the 40 is for South Dakota, M is for the first initial in his last name, the 00001 is because he is the first with the letter M and as his family and friends buy various Manuals or Kindle e-books then he can request that they be given a sub-letter under him. This system gives a permutation of 514 million numbers or Members. Equation: 99 (SPTG) times 26 letters (Alpha) equals 2,574 times 99,999 equals 257,394,426 times 20 sub-names (Alpha) equals 514,794,574.
GLOBAL METRO OFFICES (Initial 20): There will be an initial twenty Global Metro Offices (see list). They will be attached to various U.S. border States and Cities until there has been enough growth. Global Codes 57 to 99 won’t be used until have been enough growth (see Chapter Nine). That would be more than five areas for more than 5,000 in that Global Metro and more than 25,000 members in that Global Code for 57-99. These Temporary Metro Codes are: 101-Toronto, 102-Winnipeg, 103-Calgary, 104-Mexico City, 105-London, 106-Paris, 107-Berlin, 108-Rome, 109-Oslo, 110-Tel Aviv, 111-Cairo, 112-Jeddah, 113-Tokyo, 114-Sydney, 115-New Delhi, 116- Rio de Janeiro , 117-Johannesburg, 118-120 open Metros.
1-MD 26-MI 51-DC 76-Mediterranean Countries 101-Toronto & Eastern
2-PA 27-FL 52-Puerto Rico 77-Israel 102-Winnipeg & Central
3-NJ 28-TX 53-Guam 78-Middle East 103-Calgary & Western
4-GA 29-IA 54-US Virgin Islands 79-Asian Sub-Continent 104-Mexico City, MX, CA
5-CT 30-WI 55-Amer. Samoa 80-Australia 105-London
6-MA 31-WI 56-Eastern Canada 81-New Zealand & Oceania 106-Paris
7-MD 32-MN 57-Quebec, Ontario. 82-Japan 107-Berlin
8-SC 33-OR 58-Manitoba, Sask. 83-Republic of Korea 108-Rome
9-VA 34-KS 59-Alberta, British Columbia 84-Republic of China 109-Oslo
10-VA 35-WV 60-YK, NWT, Init. 85-South East Asia 110-Tel Aviv
11-NY 36-NV 61-Mexico Districo Federal 86-Central Africa 111-Cairo
12-NC 37-NE 62-Mexico Western 87-Eastern Africa 112-Jedda
13-RI 38-CO 63-Mexico Eastern 88-Western Africa 113-Tokyo
14-VT 39-ND 64-Mexico Southern 89-Southern Africa 114-Sydney
15-KY 40-SD 65-Central America 90-Rep. Southern Africa 115-New Delhi
16-TN 41-MT 66-Guatemala 91-(Expansion- 116-Rio de Janeiro
17-OH 42-WA 67-Panama 92-( for Countries 117-Johannesburg
18-LA 43-ID 68-Western South America 93-( that have over 118-120 open
19-IN 44-WY 69-Brazil, Argentina, NE S.A. 94-( 100,000 FDN
20-MS 45-UT 70-United Kingdom 95-( members
21-IL 46-OK 71-Western Europe 96-
22-AL 47-MN 72-Southern Europe 97-
23-ME 48-AZ 73-Northern Europe 98-
24-MO 49-AK 74-Eastern Europe 99-
25-AR 50-HI 75-Russia 100-
Contact Red for any clarifications for issuing SPTG numbers or setting up any Global or Countries.
See Lesson 29 on pages 50-51. See Training Record on page 87.
The Metro or District Trainer is probably is the most important position in the Network. He/she/you will be responsible for making sure that all the members in your Metro or District as well as the Areas, Groups or Organizations are thoroughly trained in the FVN basic classes and that Advanced Classes are available for a fee or on YouTube or on DVD. Trainers of Advanced classes can make 70% commission on tuition. This position will be second in line to get a Metro Office paycheck plus the 70% commissions.
A good Trainer will have several two hour blocks during the week at various times and days and different places to hold training meetings. You will also become a good recruiter for the Network. Make sure to keep track of milage and keep any receipts. Not every expense is reibursed.
A detailed Training Schedule will be made for each quarter. The new quarters training schedule is due one month prior to the quarter. Rotate three or four basic classes a month and two or three advanced classes a month per trainers choice. See the below matrix for a sample monthly training schedule.
Class Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Remarks
A X X X X Metro Office
B X X X X Coffee Shop
C X X X X X Metro Shop
D Advanced X X X X Dug Out Shoot
E Advanced X X X Metro Office
F 26 Hour Evac. CB Ch 33, GMRS Ch. 12 (CODE EMERALD-STATUS PEARL TEST) Start Friday 1900 to 2100 Saturday
Make sure to have different times for those who work different hours can attend.You will have to buy Version Two to get all of Chapter 13 and other Chapters listed in Table of Contents.
familydisasternet@gmail.com www.amazon.com/author/redbecker Twitter @familydisaster
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