Sunday, April 21, 2019


FAMILY PRE-DISASTER MANUAL Twitter @familydisaster

Lesson 117B--
Sioux Falls, South Dakota, with a Metro population of 230,000, or portions thereof, would be evacuated under the following conditions and FVN GEMSTONE CODE ALERTS: FULL SURVIVABILITY STANDARDS SHOULD BE MET PRIOR TO THIS LEVEL (120+ DAYS OF SUPPLIES AND EIGHT CONTACTS A DAY)

SIOUX FALLS RISK ASSESSMENT: Nuclear- Secondary (JFAFB/EROS/USGS), Terrorist Level Two, severe weather and flooding is high.

A. CODE BRONZE-STATUS ONYX: Severe weather disasters or other natural disasters under one mile in diameter.

B. CODE EMERALD-STATUS ONYX: Manmade disasters and evacuation of over one square mile. Sioux Falls has five major potential hazards plus truck routes. They are the Petrol tanks (12th St.), the airport (north central), interstates 29 & 90, and the railroads (downtown, central & west) also the Big Sioux River has a potential for a 120 year flood plain.

Evacuation routes could extend for 25 miles. The above two codes would only affect certain areas for a limited amount of time and a restoration to normal would soon occur. The local FVN would be alerted and evacuation sites prepared to help any members affected by the emergency. There should be at least three supporting evacuation sites. One would be declared the control site and have the most amount of support personnel (50%), the other two sites (25%) each would be in other Sioux Falls metro areas. These sites should be in undamaged fixed buildings (Churches, schools, hotels, etc.) that can handle the capacity. Coordination with the Red Cross and other emergency agencies is highly suggested. The seven remote sites surrounding Sioux Falls can also be used as long as self-containment can be fulfilled. Evacuation priorities are as follows: Accountability and Safety, Triage, Shelter, Water and Food, Continuing Medical, and others services as needed. Sites should be large enough to hold evacuees.

Breakdown of Evacuation Site Personnel: This breakdown is highly suggested to utilize all personnel and create self-sufficiency and care for FVN members. Site one-150 support personnel, and sites two & three 75 support personnel each. Start site one first and site two when needed and keep half of the positions set to site one.

Support Ratios: A minimum Medical Section ratio should be 1 medical person for each 25 evacuees. With site one having 3 M.D.s and at least 8 other medical personnel. The Food Service Section ratio should be 1 per 25 evacuees. There should be 1 guard for each 50 evacuees. All other slots will be split according to need. Sites two & three will use the above ratios to compliment their staffs.

The next four alert codes have a much higher scope and we hope that theses never happen. But if they do, then we are fully prepared. These codes would require a fully and possibly permanent evacuation of Sioux Falls Metro area, especially FVN members and affiliates. An extreme Survivability mode would exist and six months to over two years of supplies would be needed. Communications is critical at this point, there must be extreme command and control over them (see page 80). See Communications and Alerting SOPs on pages 97 &103.

A. CODE GOLD-STATUS ONYX: This is a time where Sioux Falls would be unstable and has unsuitable living conditions mostly due to chaos, civil disturbances, high crime, lengthened recession, etc. A GOLD-UNSUIT-STATUS ONYX has a potential of returning to Sioux Falls in weeks or months.

B. CODE SAPHIRRE : There is a potential that full economic break down, full government breakdown, subversive activities, possible wars, etc. or that it is existing. It is better to fully evacuate Sioux Falls and go 80 miles west.

C. CODE DIAMOND: FVN Current Affairs has indicated that a possible nuclear exchange is possible with Sioux Falls being a target. CODE DIAMOND dictates that you must evacuate within 48 hours or be on your own.

D. CODE ONYX. A Nuclear exchange is imminent or everything has gone downhill. FULL EVACUATION IS NECESSARY NOW!!

These codes would effectively create an evacuation westwards towards Mitchell and beyond! If Current Affairs analysis is adequate, then a proper amount of time would be needed to properly warn and evacuate the Sioux Falls Metro. Sufficient would be three days to three hours minimum with an existing CODE GOLD or higher in effect!

BEST FVN MONITOR FREQUENCIES FOR SIOUX FALLS METRO with furthest dissemination: CB Channel 31, GMRS Channel 7 without privacy codes and HAM frequencies of___ (to be filled out by 20180801). SAR:                       CAP:                 Snowplows:                                State Radio:
Fire Frequencies:


Use this page as a format example for your Metro Annex and Evacuation Procedures.
See any FDN book for Annex Formats.

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