Saturday, April 20, 2019

FDN INTELREP 2909 Dec. 1, 2012

P.O. Box 88252, Sioux Falls, SD 57109-8252 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm, M-Sat.)
December 1, 2012; Edition 29-09 SUMMARY

WELCOME TO FVN! Can you properly evacuate your home or work in three minutes or less and survive for seven days on your own? FVN has pre-disaster and evacuation plans for all contingencies. We offer Personalized Service for your family or work. The VERSION ONE of “A Families’ Comprehensive Pre-Disaster Planning Manual” with 108 pages and 71 life lessons will be $10.95 plus S&H thru this Month. There will also be a e-version for most readers available for 99 cents. You can now pre-order the PDF version of VERSION TWO for $10.00 make checks payable to DBLT–FVN . SO JOIN FVN TODAY. Prepare for anything, anywhere and anytime. VERSION TWO was launched on on October 2012. Another book, “Challenging Life’s Ins and Outs” by Red, is a self help book using life recovery models. social skills and organizing skills. It should be launched by spring 2013.

I get my information from over 14 news sources and some other places also.
FDN GEMSTONE CODE ALERT STATUS: We use GEMSTONE CODES (see Chapters 8 and 10) to explain various types of events in the world. Do not worry about GEMSTONE CODES they are a FDN internal management and intelligence tool, just read the information.

The current high CODE IS INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE COBALT (ICCC): This is due to FIVE INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE EMERALDS in Libya; Middle East/Mediterranean; Syria; Iran and Japan vs China. This is a new management tool. The Second High CODE IS GOLD: This is due to the CODE EMERALD for the Global War on Terror GWOT-WWIV and CODE EMERALD for OEF in Afghanistan since most scenarios have calmed down. Also for Special Operators working globally.

There is a new INTERNATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES CODE EMERALD for the ISRAEL vs GAZA (Hamas) War taking place from 20120114 to 20121121. The eight day war had over 1500 Hamas rockets fired at Israeli cities with less than a dozen killed. However the Palestinians had 160 dead and over 1000 wounded. Israel Defense Agency’s (IDA) Iron Hand anti-missile program killed 90 percent of the inbound Hamas rockets. There was also a similar war from March 9-14, 2012. I will have a report on Israel later.

MAYAN UPDATE: All Intel that I have gathered is that nothing to very little is expected to happen on or around on Friday, December 21, 2012. But keep watch for those events expected. Make your last preparations anyway.

A new CODE SILVER-US-ECON-FISCAL CLIFF: On January 1, 2013, the U.S. Government is going off a fiscal cliff. Due to the lack of moderation inside the Congressional Super-Committee last spring, sequestration will take place on January 1. This takes 10% off the top of every Federal Account with no moving around of the budget. It is fixed. Plus a few million won’t be getting their unemployment checks anymore after New Years (yeehaw) or their Payday Holiday for their FICA with holding, that goes back to 7.65% for you. So get PREPARED NOW FOR THE FISCAL CLIFF.

Oh yeah, the Bush Era Tax Cuts that have been extended a few times over the years, WILL EXPIRE DECEMBER 31, 2012!! Don’t expect a LAME DUCK CONGRESS to solve anything, they will be lucky to do a six month continuing resolution to keep the Government running at 80% (exception DOD, DVA) until Budget Bills can be passed in 2013.

I’ll fill in more information in next few reports.
Red Becker, Founder/Author, FDN, Phoenix One-CB Channel 31.

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