You now have two or five minutes to evacuate your home? How are you doing? Where are you going to meet? Talk to your family where to meet, if all at home or if family members are at different places. Have CB Channel 31 or FRS/GRMS two way radios on Channel 7.
Are we doing better? Good. Now, we have to expand your ready lists. Depending on how big your home is how we will design your ready bags and boxes.
Ready bags should be in an easy access places: Front closet, garage/outdoor storage, bathroom, basement, family area, or bedroom. We will create ready bags/boxes in this order. If you do not have a garage, hopefully you will have outdoor storage in your apartment condo or trailer. Try to have off site where you can have kits stored. such as a rental storage. Share with other members. Duplication is the key to Survivability.
You should use baggage or duffel bags/backpack, etc., because you can pack them full and they expand. Hard suitcases are last.
HOW ABOUT IF I CAN’T AFFORD A WEEKS WORTH OF GROCERIES, NO LESS SIX MONTHS? No worries, do what you can do or afford. Work with the Metro Kit Supervisor and the Metro Warehouser. They can make sure that you are involved and in the loop as much as possible and have rations or supplies available for volunteering your efforts of about ten hours a month. If there seems to be no Metro Personnel, then contact Red Becker at 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm ct, Monday to Saturday) or email me at redbecker2016@gmail.com .
FRONT CLOSET: Your front closet bag will basically be the same as the kit in your cars. Toiletries, toothpaste/brush pack one per person, can opener, towels, washcloths, blankets, sleeping bags, pillows, extra socks, three changes underwear per person, two outerwear changes per person–make sure to change socks and shirts if wet or cold weather; save your feet and hands-- sweaters or seasonal clothing, wet gear, feminine, special needs, baby and pet items. Also have copies of the Survivability Checklist. Place other items of choice for your comfort in bags or boxes. Have a mini-kitchen kit with a can opener, silverware or plastic-ware, napkins and a few baggies could be placed here. Unpack and rotate items quarterly. Also have flashlights with extra batteries and a battery or crank powered radio. It is even better if the radio has HAM (Amateur Radio), Public Service and Short Wave bands. Search Engine: Public Service and Short Wave Radio Frequencies. Have plenty of extra various size batteries. Also, have laundry soap, bleach, vinegar and other comfort items. Don’t forget electronic device chargers.
GARAGE/OUTDOOR STORAGE KITS: Extra survival gear. What is needed is to pack things that you never use, but it will ENHANCE YOUR SURVIVABILITY! You need simple tools to grab in 10 seconds in a pre-set box, MREs [see www.MREdepot.com --all sorts of items], Dehydrated foods, flashlights, lanterns, batteries-regular and rechargeable, shovel, axe, another first aid kit with extra band-Aids, pressure dressings, nurses tape, pain medications, topical antibiotics, generator with at least 1500-2500 Kw to run the fridge and other items [see generator tips at www.generatorjoe.net ] extra shoes/boots, cord, rope, bunji cords, gloves, rain/snow gear, survival cards/books, cooking gear, 500 matches in baggies, fishing and snaring gear, charcoal, canteens and water bottles-a gallon per person per day for drinking and cooking only-more than 10 gallons of non-potable water for hygiene, washing, etc., 12 rolls toilet paper, paper towels, other paper goods and any other comfort items that you need.
OFFICE KIT: Where do you keep your checkbook, bills, stationary, stamps, etc? Keep a shoe box size container by this area (my desk) so that in five seconds you can grab those things and grab the bathroom kit also. Include pens, pencils, tape, important documents folder, etc. that is ready to use.
BATHROOM KIT: A bag to place extra toiletries, comfort, female and baby items, etc. Do not forget prescriptions and other medications. Pack Prescriptions and Medications first! Make sure to rotate them from your other kits and Prescription Bottles. Use 2-3 pill boxes for rotation. You can have this together with the Kitchen Box. See Metro Kits Specialist.
DON’T FLUSH MEDICINES DOWN THE TOILET–IT MAKES OUR FISHES SICK OR HIGH. CRUSH THEM AND MIX WITH WATER AND USED COFFEE GROUNDS OR KITTY LITTER AND SEAL WITH DUCT TAPE, then black out names and trash. Call your pharmacy where to take expired medications, maybe the police station.
KITCHEN BOX: The Kitchen Box is to be grabbed if all other bags/boxes listed before have been taken. By the time you have grabbed those boxes it would be beyond the first five to ten minutes. Start with having shoe boxes available to put in extra silverware, knives, utensils, a can opener, spices, sugar, flour, napkins, etc. Make sure to rotate spices on a quarterly basis. If you have further room, keep a two cubic foot box or a plastic carryall to keep a frying pan, several extra old pots, old plates, cups, plastic glasses, liquid soap, cooking oil, wash cloths, bleach, folding chairs, cots, folding tables, lanterns, kerosene, propane, etc. THIS BOX COULD ALSO BE KEPT IN A GROUND LEVEL EXIT STORAGE AREA: Garage, rec room, foyer or where ever space is available.
POTABLE WATER: These are beyond stocking levels already in place in vehicles, and previous bags and boxes: WATER: Three to ten gallon or more capacity. If not by then have one drinking gallon per person. ANOTHER ITEM YOU MIGHT WANT TO BUY FROM A SURPLUS/CAMPING STORE IS WATER PURIFICATION (CHLORINE) TABLETS or a water filter to use--at least the water will be safe to drink. Keep these in your various kits/main bag for in case of an evacuation of 3-10 minutes or less. Do not drink unfiltered or mountain stream water, it will make you sick. You must treat with chlorine or boil it, get chlorine test strips for 5ppm at a food service store. Or you may get various types of containers that could be the 1-2 gallon containers from the store, five gallon plastic jerry cans for water only, expandable water canteen-3 gallon capacity when full-but folds flat when empty, canteens and water bottles.
AMOUNT OF WATER NEEDED PER DAY: Basic of potable stored -a gallon per person per day. This figure of a gallon per person per day is for drinking and basic hygiene (wet cloth) only. For cooking, more drinking and washing, then increase to a gallon plus p.p.d. I would say that a family of four for a week would be 30-50 gallons or more!! This is using water sparingly, with no waste, and having multiple uses for each drop of water. FEMA recommends 16 drops of bleach per gallon of water to get 5ppm to create potable water. See Advanced Class on Evacuation Site Setup or Primitive Camping in Advanced Classes and we will have DVDs or youTube channels on Advanced classes in late 2015.
CANNED AND DRY FOODS: A two-week supply list is on page 83. But think about your favorite canned goods. Make sure to ROTATE ITEMS ON A MONTHLY BASIS. DRY GOODS: Foods, Paper, and Plastic, think of enough. For frozen and refrigerated foods see the Food Stability and Nutrition lists on page 82.
All other scenarios beyond this point is that we assume to have over 30 minutes to evacuate. We can now grab the secondary boxes. If you have time-an extra five minutes-then fill all storage containers with water. Hopefully by now, you can survive at a minimum of two weeks with little notice. If you are having problems in figuring our your families' or business' Survivability, do not hesitate to contact one of us if you can not find anyone to train you in your Area/District/Metro. We will be having classes on a regular basis on enhancing your Survivability.
These classes should be for two hours on the 2nd Saturday at 2PM or on some evening. Contact your Group/Area/District/Metro Trainer or Kits Specialist or Metro Warehouser.
If you are one of the first in your area and having us visit you would be totally impossible to give complete training on Survivability, then we will soon have DVDs or be on youTube to be able to help you understand Survivability. We can get all of your questions answered and get you certified as the Area Manager or an Area Trainer. That way you can train and enhance other member’s Survivability in your area. E-mail us with any questions and see Chapters 9 and 13 in the Version Two of “A Families’ Comprehensive Pre-Disaster Planning Manual”, $22.95, ISBN: 9781477604137 on Network Growth.
OTHER BOXES: These are beyond the one-half hour time frame. You've been alerted that you have more than 30 minutes to evacuate your home. First grab all other kits, bags, boxes, and put them in your vehicles. If you have storage in your bedroom, you can pack or pre-pack extra clothing, linens, food, supplies, personal items, favorite items, etc. You can also use suitcases to pack. Have extra boxes for your rec room, kitchen, living room, garage, etc. Within the half hour you should be able to back most of your belongings with exception of furniture. Allow two-five hours to move most furniture and have a truck or mini-van. Now be ready to think and practice evacuation using your Family Evacuation S.O.P. Also see YOUR LOCAL ANNEX CHAPTER 8.
If you have used all information previous to this point, then you should be able to evacuate over 50% of your home within one hour and survive for over two weeks.
FIRST YOU PLANNED, NOW WE MAKE YOU THINK ABOUT IT! Plus there are Important Addresses and Phones on page 19 of this Section. Since every family has different needs for Survivability and evacuations, then we will make you aware of disaster possibilities using SCENARIOS. Also see Chapters 7 and 8.
HOW ABOUT IF I CAN’T AFFORD A WEEKS WORTH OF GROCERIES, NO LESS SIX MONTHS? No worries, do what you can do or afford. Work with the Metro Kit Supervisor and the Metro Warehouser. They can make sure that you are involved and in the loop as much as possible and have rations or supplies available for volunteering your efforts of about ten hours a month. If there seems to be no Metro Personnel, then contact Red Becker at 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm ct, Monday to Saturday) or email me at redbecker2016@gmail.com .
PLEASE wash or sanitize your hands after using the bathroom and diapers (various germs and Hepatitis B) and even more PLEASE wash your hands before touching, cooking, or handling food. PLEASE wash or sanitize your hands after handling garbage, smoking, or doing anything with dirty hands, or raw meat—especially raw chicken and pork. See pages 82 and 83 for food safety.
LESSON FOUR. RISK ASSESSMENT: First, before we enter scenarios, we have to see what types of risks that you have in your town, city, or area. 1.) Fire- what kind of fire fighting department and hydrants are available? Do you have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers? Are you in a wild fire or forest fire zone? 2.) Natural and Weather Disasters: What kind of weather or disasters are your area prone to? Floods, tornados, hurricanes, blizzards or earthquakes? If you're in a flood plain or next to a river, or below a dam, we will have to make extra pre-cautions in your annex and in the Area Annex. 3.) Man made disasters: Natural gas or gas station leaks/explosions-how much risk? Are you in a high crime area or have risk that the police would evacuate you for a day due to SWAT, Hostages, Riots, demonstrations, etc. 4.) Are there refineries, chemical plants, etc. within five miles? Then extra precautions and more packing of extra supplies at various locations. 5.) Is there a military base nearby? Depending of the type- you could have a terrorist or nuclear threat-the State Annex covers this. 6.) Are there railroad tracks or an interstate highway (truck route) within five miles? There could be a derailment or jackknife chemical leakage or radiation risk. 7.) Are you nearby an airport or in the flight path?
LESSON FIVE: SCENARIO PLANNING: TAKE EACH OF THESE SCENARIOS AND WORK OUT A PLAN FOR EACH OF THEM, WHAT TO DO AND GRAB, WHERE TO GO, WHO TO CONTACT, ETC. THE FIRST TWO SCENARIOS ARE CODE TOPAZES--if this happens to you, then contact Area Control. Use your CBs/FRS/GMRS radios and scanners. Also, see Chapter Eight for Metro and State Annexes for frequencies and contacts.
SCENARIO ONE: I think that this is the worst scenario imaginable due to lack of time. You're not at home and it catches on fire, or there is an explosion nearby and you can't return home! YOU WILL HAVE TO USE WHATEVER SUPPLIES THAT ARE IN YOUR VEHICLES BACKPACK OR DUFFEL KITS OR USE OFF SITE STORAGE!
SCENARIO TWO: You're at home and there is a fire. Your home or a neighbor’s home. HAVE YOU PRACTICED FIRE DRILLS? Crawl on the floor, which fire escapes, where to meet, have two routes, etc. This is a two minute drill. You will have to live out of your Trunk Kit, Backpacks and Front Kit or Off Site Kits. Have you used all the fire safety tips on pages 33 and 34.
SCENARIO THREE (CODE EMERALD): A gas leak or police action nearby forces you out of your home for six hours or for a day, but you will be able to return when the area is secured. Your Trunk Kit and Front Kit could be the only items that you could grab unless you have secondary kits in another location. Use an exit away from the danger and evacuate to one of three prearranged places that is generally within two miles. Use your two way radios.
LESSON FIVE: SCENARIO FOUR: Natural and Weather related disasters requiring evacuations with CODE BRONZE: What will be your SOP for evacuation floods, earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, etc. You need to think about a primary route and alternate routes-see map reading class- in between your home, work, school, to safety. Have a few prearranged meeting spots. Purchase weather and CB/FRS/GMRS radios (Citizen’s Band/Family Radio Service/General Mobile). Know how to use these two-ways and read Chapter Six and practice quarterly evacuation drills.
SCENARIO FIVE: Within one mile evacuation with CODE EMERALD due to explosions, derailments, jackknives, SWAT, etc. What will your response be? If your risk assessment from above and your Metro Annex indicate that you could be affected. Then do evacuation routes like Scenario Four. Where are the primary and alternate meeting places?
SCENARIO SIX : Are riots, gang violence, chaos, terrorism and war possible for your home or work. Are local living conditions unsuitable for a time? List simple plan. There will be more in your Alert SOPs, State and Metro Annexes. How do I find this out? Get on CB Ch. 31 or GMRS Ch. 7 at the call in times and ask about meetings and local annexes. If all else fails, email Red at redbecker2016@gmail.com .
PRACTICE AND REVIEW THESE SCENARIOS WITH YOUR FAMILY QUARTERLY! CONTACT TRAINER FOR IN-HOUSE REVIEWS. Things to include are if other family members are separated and where they will meet or how to contact later. Get the evacuation SOPs from your various works, schools, daycare, etc. and add them to your FESOP. Designate (ask) another family or friend in another town that is not affected by the same disaster to be a Point of Contact (POC) for all other family and friends around the country. Who is the Out of Metro Point of Contact (POC) for your Family/Group/Area? Name, Phone, e-mail: _____________________________ Alternate:___________________________
Get other family and friends involved and to join FDN! SURVIVABILITY SYNERGISTICS!! On a separate sheet you can list all important family, work, friends, church, clubs, professional with their ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBERS!! Include Doctors, Hospitals, Poison Control, FDN Control, Daycare, babysitters, neighbors, various family, etc. Pass the word about FDN. Help us get viral. Please post all of our links in this manual to your pages.
MINI-COMMO: Use all available communications to contact other members or Control. CB Channel 31, GMRS/FRS Channel 7 or use e-mail, snail mail, landlines, or cell phones.
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