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LESSON 47—ANTI-TERRORISM: Anti-Terrorism is taking the preventions necessary to minimize the
risk and damage from a terrorist attack. Call 605-838-9759 from 7am to 9pm ct, Monday to Saturday, for
more instructions after you have read this Lesson.
Terrorism of one sort or another is always in the news. Being a terrorist or even an insurgent has been a
cause going back millennia. Occupying or even liberating forces can be bogged down due to a cause.
History: It’s always in the news, there are many players but Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Hamas and
Hezbollah are the big four these days. The minor players change but the story is the same, innocents pay
with blood and with their lives. More history and analysis on next page.
Prevention: First always be aware of suspicious activity. Second, if you can’t increase security, then
increase denial of facilities and buildings.
Characteristics Common to Terrorists or Terrorist Groups: Promote Fear: they are usually weaker that the
opposing police or security forces; this does not necessarily equate tactical success with mission success.
Publicity may be the main terrorist objective. They are highly mobile, detached, with no major cohesion or
have small three to seven person cells. They exploit the fact that terror is cheap. They can operate
undercover and they believe that small detached groups mean security and efficiency.
Physical Security: You must protect information, resources and assets. Use a good crime prevention
program inside your anti-terrorist plan. Secure doors that are not being used or need to un-locked by law.
Watch for suspicious packages or items that are left alone and watch for suspicious activity.
I followed a person acting different in a California mall in 2006. He was definitely casing the mall by the
kids play area and food court. I called security, but he disappeared and although we had a good
description of him. He was looking at places to hide a package inside the garbage bins or drive thru the
big doors with a van or a truck. Either he was a terrorist casing the mall or he was a agent acting
undercover and practicing surveillance.
Please don’t be scared of terrorists or terrorism, because that is their ultimate goal. It all depends where
you live or whether or not your area is at risk. See your State and Metro Annex in Chapter 14. There is a
good website: . They are called The Institute for Counter Terrorism. Check their website.
You may call FVN at 605-838-9759 (7am-9pm ct, Monday to Saturday) for further questions or you can
email me at or .
I hope to explain the workings of terrorists, their mind set and why they do terrorism. Today there are two
classes of terrorists: the underprivileged and the new middle class terrorist.
There are three major players or organizations: Hamas, Hezoballah and Al-Qaeda (The Base) and its
affiliates. Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement-1987) is Palestinian and is mostly under privileged and
financed by Iran and use Syrian and some Lebanonese populations help, where as Al-Qaeda proper is
middle class and can be financed by oil, those who have oil or other businesses. Fatah is the political arm
to Hamas. Hezoballah (Party of God-1982) is Lebanon based and wants Islamic rule in Lebanon and
wants to eliminate Israel and liberate all Arab lands.
Most recruits of Hamas and Hizbollah in Palestine are poor, had very little growing up, they were raised
with hate against Israel, the U.S. and the west in general, although they do like our toys such as
electronics, clothes or BMWs. When you are 13-25 years old and you have no job and you are raised
with Islamist jihad (holy war) in your blood, becoming a suicide bomber with a promise of paradise and
virgins sounds good. A true jihad means having a personal struggle and having faith in Allah to help you
solve your struggle.
Islamic State started in 2014 as Sunni extremists in Northern Iraq and spread to Eastern Syria. By 2019
they had lost all their physical territory but still had over 15,000 terrorists in over a dozen countries.
However most of the insurgents in Afghanistan belong to the Taliban or Al-Qaeda, they were raised
middle class, highly educated, but went to the extreme side of the Muslim faith. They also have Islamist
jihad in their blood and they think of us as evil occupiers, not as nation builders and rightly so if we can not
respect their way of life and religion.
WHY WE ARE IN AFGHANISTAN: When the Soviets invaded on December 24, 1979, and stayed until
February 15, 1989, the U.S. had supported the Afghani rebels called Mujahedeen. One Texas
Congressman, Charlie Wilson, portrayed by Tom Hanks in “Charlie Wilson’s War”, also starring Julia
Roberts, Amy Adams and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Charlie was instrumental in getting aid to the
Mujahedeen thru the CIA. Charlie and the CIA got various weapons including Stinger Anti-Air Missiles
and humanitarian aid. When the Soviets pulled out, Charlie wanted more money to prop up the
Mujahedeen to take over the government so that there would not be a power vacuum when the
communist puppet fell from grace. But the rest of the Congress faced with the end of the Cold War
(WWIII) and a self-imploding C.C.C.P. (Soviet Union), they did not want to spend any more money to prop
up any more ventures in that country.
From 1992 to 1996 the Mujahedeen had captured Kabul and the government, but a more sinister and
Islamist force was to be dealt with, the Taliban. The Mujahedeen became the Northern Alliance and only
held 10 percent of the country from 1997 to 2001. See Chapter 10 in years 1996, 1998 and 2000 for
various details involving Afghanistan. Usama bin Laden moved to Afghanistan in 1997 or 1998 after being
kicked out of Saudi Arabia and a few African countries. We all know what happened on September 11,
2001 and October 7, 2001 (GWOT=WWIV), see Chapter 10 for history and pages 135-148 for Military
Actions. The U.S. partnered with Colonel Mohammed Mohammed of the Northern Alliance for the first
few months in 2001 of OEF.
THE TALIBAN: When the Taliban took over Afghanistan in September 1996 and called it the Islamic
Emirate of Afghanistan. They immediately decreed with a Watan that all women must stop work and
schooling and must wear burquas, that all men must have a beard of no shorter that a fist length, that all
must pray five times a day, if you are not a believer (Muslim) you must not practice your religion openly or
you will be beaten, you must not convert others to your religion (non-Muslim) or be killed in the name of
Allah, all school boys must wear turbans, all singing, dancing, card games, writing poetry, no parakeets, if
you steal your hand will be cut off. Women must wear burqas (head to toe garment), women can not
walk alone and must be escorted by a mahram (a male adult relative), women can have no make up, no
eye contact with men, girls will not have any more schooling and schools will be destroyed and many more
radical conservative Islamist Taliban measures. The Taliban in 1999 and 2000 destroyed many ancient
artifacts in the country and did not have a Y2K problem because they didn’t have too many computers.
AL-QAEDA AND its AFFILIATES: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP): AQAP has had far
reaching events into the U.S. in the 2000s. The Yemeni radical cleric but U.S. citizen Anwar al-Alwaki had
launched several terrorist incidents: the 2009 Ft. Hood shooting by Psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan, the
attempted Christmas 2009 over Detroit by “underwear bomber” Nigerian Umar Abdulmutalalab, a failed
2010 Times Square bombing and a failed attempt to ship explosives in toner cartridges. On September
30, 2011 al-Awaki and others were killed in a drone missile strike. See Chapter 10.
Al-Shabaab They started in 2006 and are southern Somali based—They are an al-Qaeda ally that has
recruited with U.S. cells even in the Midwest and also in Europe. Al-Shabaab and the pirates resorted to
these measures because of a drought and agriculture failures. Many farmers and ranchers changed
Somali pirates based out of the port of Mogadishu or other small ports would hijack ships belonging to any
western power or some Pacific powers. They would hold these ships and crews for months to get ransom
from the owners or insurance company. Starting in 2009 the U.S. Navy and other navies started to patrol
the Horn of Africa more often and even rescued several ships from pirates. See Chapter 10.
Other minor 21st Century Terrorist Organizations: Jemaah Islamiah which is in Southeast Asia and
wants a pan-Islamic state (Bali 2002, Jakarta 2008); Hamas al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (2000-Gaza Strip
vs. Israel); Jamaat ul-Mujahedeen Bangladesh; Tawhid wal Jihad (Unity and Holy War) and Chechen
Rebels (vs. Russia). There is also the Abu Sayyaf Group started in the 1990s that wants the Philippines
and Malaysia to be an Islamic State; Jaish-Mohammed (Army of Mohammed-2000) for Pakistan and India
and there are others.
Home grown terrorists: These terrorists could be Islamist lone wolf or duos or other single experiment lone wolfs.
They could also include some hard core gangs, anti-government militias, anarchists and conspiracy theorists that fall
into the most radical right or left side of political evolution.
NOTE: I can out plan those guys anytime, since I did anti-terrorism, contingency planning, military trainer, field
sanitation supervisor, combat engineer, and what ever else is in my biography. Now I’m just a middle of the road
grandpa trying to reach the 80% of the public to pre-prepare, mitigate and be self-reliant and save disaster
USA–2012: There have been over three major shootings this year. Aurora, Colorado Theater; Oregon Mall,
Sandy Hook School in Connecticut where 20 children were killed.
NORWAY: On July 22, 2011, Anders Brevik, 32, a right wing extremist went on a one person terrorist plot. At first
he blew up a car next to a ministry building in Oslo that was also next to the PMs building, who was not there at the
time, killing eight. His second act was to impersonate a police officer and go to Utoya Island on Trifiordlan lake run
by the ruling Labor Party and while heavily armed started to shoot the teenagers on the island. The teenagers
running to him seeing the uniform were shot on sight. He killed 69 on the island and injured over 150 in the two
TRAUMA TIME: So to my Norwegian friends and anyone else who has been traumatized by crime, terrorists,
disasters or any other horror, don’t let that dreadful day influence you life or fun. Yes grieve, yes be angry, yes be
depressed, but only do this for a little while. What is the right amount of time? It varies from person to person, but
for a few years is normal. GO SEE THE PROFESSIONALS, don’t do it all by yourself. To my Norwegian friends go
right back out to that lake as early as you can and throw snow balls or have a spring picnic, go swimming and give a
blessed memorial on July 22, 2013 to memorialize those who lost their lives or those who were injured that fateful
day. Because if you don’t go out there, then he (Brevik) will have won and he is in psych jail and you will stay a
victim. Go change that and be a victim no more. August 24, 2012, Brevik is pronounced sane for trial.
FINAL THOUGHTS ON COUNTER-CRIME AND TRAUMA: You can help in preventing crime and the effects of
terrorism. If you are a victim of crime or terrorism, you can either remain a victim and drown in your sorrows or you
can get professional help, learn how to cope with your feelings, trauma and loss, how not to be a victim anymore and
learn how to move on with your life. Get “Challenging Life’s Ins and Outs” out in 2014.
You need to start to let go of the trauma or shock of the event and let God or your higher power or let a positive
influence to change fate until you can let go of the trauma of the event. Yes this is a continuing process that you
might have to do every day and every hour. Learn how to forgive yourself, forgive others and forgive the criminal or
terrorist, but you do not have to forget if you don’t want to. Yes you must try to and keep on doing it so you can be
forgiven and start to let all of the negative energy from the trauma go.
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